Pension Increase Letters Pension Study Commission Fire and Police Pension System Pensions Pentecost Baptist Church People Encouraging People People Lacking Ample Shelter and Employment People Mover Feasibility Study (downtown) People Parlor Requests Coresspondence People Program Proposals People Projects Pepmobile Pepsi Cola/Flood Damage Performance - (weekly newspaper) Performers Adults Children Performing Arts Season Perkins, Anne S. (Delegate) Perring Apartments Perry, Charles Personal Growth Laboratory Personnel Actions Clerical Study Committee 1974-79 435 1972-78 1974-75 187,225 431 1976 223 1981-82 338,916 1987 937 1981,85-86 753,804,937 991,999 1977-81,83-85 1981 1972 949 44,338,442 753,802 227 169 1981-82 897 1975-77,86 804,904,937 1974 303 1979 753 1972 169 1975 1975 224 223 1985-86 1981 902 886 1980-82,85 753,802,937 1973 169 1973-78,83-85 169,753,804 1974-76 1977 879 254 1980 1981 905,980 645 753 979