Negotiations with C.M.E.A. Negotiations with Fire Fighters and Fire Officers Negotiations with Nurses Association Incorporation Retirement Problems Unpaid Holiday Plan Labor [Department - U.S.] Cuban Refugees - News Marshall, Ray-Wage and Hour Labor Commission Commissioner Out of Town Travel Labor Force Labor Negotiations Labor Unions Lacrosse Games Lady Baltimore Sculpture Lady Maryland La Fayette in Baltimore La Grande Puppet Theatre Lafayette Courts Lake Roland Correspondence Study Lakewood Association Lakewood Avenue La Mason, Charles Lancaster, Booker Lee Land Acquisition Office 1972 145 1972 145 1972 1972 1971-72 145 145 217 1973,76-80 1981 1979-80 1981 75,91 26 646 646 1969,75-76, 83-84,86-87 1970-82 83-86 217,670,747 978,985 1,61,145 978 509,730,835 978 — 706 1976-78 509,510,978 1984 670 1983-85 161,910 1985 1981 670,853 898 1984-86 670,831,853 914,952 1974 209 -- 966 1984-86 822 1974-82,85 1972 1973 70,496,731 855 209 209 1977 510 1976-80,82-83 510,511,731 1985-86 836,944 1983 731 1978 1