Holt, Marjorie S. Visit to Baltimore Home Builders Association Home Care Home Ownership Development Program Home Ownership of Public Housing Units Home Services [Bureau] Home Visiting Project Progress Reports Homeless Emergency Shelters Homelessness in America's Cities Chicago Homelessness in Baltimore Homestead-Montebello Health Center Homesteaders Homesteading Home Ownership Development Div. Homeland Shopping Center Homeless Homewood Area Honorables Honorary Membership Hooper, Otis Hope Lodge Hopkins Plaza Escalator Horizons Air Travel Club 1977-85 1981 94,408,769 857 423 1976,80-83 196,776 — 29 1972-74 306 1985-86 822 1973-74 328 1977 1977 256,369 369 1983-86 1980-83 708,801,857 408,735 — 708 708 — 659 1977-78 256,408 1974 306 1974-80 1985-86 91,208,227 358,369,400 401 822 1981 408 1986-87 917 1973-74 408 1980 14 1974-77,81 390,734 1975 302 1984-85 44,94 1977-79 1979 390 408 1983-84 94