Federal Hill Inn Town House Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta Federal Housing Administration Federal Income Tax Federal Jobs Bill Federal Legislation Federal Legislature Federal Maritime Commission Federal Office Building Federal Outlays in Maryland Federal Policy for Cities Federal Prison Federal Regional Council Federal Register Federal Relocation [Department] Federal Relocation Cabinet Meeting Federal Reserve Bank Federal Saving and Loan Assoc. [Bait] Federally Employed Women Federation of Maryland Democrats Fellowship of Lights Fellowship Training Program JHU Interns Fells Point Canton Area 1976-80 1983 1984-85 389 711 322 1978 488 1972 71 — 968 1983 959 1979,84-85 709,881 — 240 1979-80 646 1969 645 1976 177 1977 391 1976-77 21 1982 710 1979-82 20,653,659 1978-80 10 1978-80 645 1974-81 391,405 1982-83 712 1969-71 306 1980 405 1972-73 306 1974-76 251 1974-85 1983-86 21,277,322 389,404,405 642,729,803 968,999, 1005 322,852