General 1974-80,83 63,736,737 Headquarters 1985 924 K.A.P.S. 1974-79 115 Letters 1979-82 100,281 Lists 1975 120 Memos 1974-80 63 Lawson, Quentin 1974-75 120 Micherdzinski, Richard L. 1976 901 Miscellaneous 1972-74 383 Model Youth City Council Program 1973 62 Monthly Letters to the Mayor 1972-78 372 News Releases 1972-73 47 One Percent for Art 1982-84 827 Parent-Teacher Association — 363 Patterson, Roland Dr. 1975 28 School Board Material 1974-75 225 Performing Arts 1973 303 Personnel 1974-75 383 Pinderhughes, Alice 1983-84 753 Policy and Responses 1978-79 445 Referrals 1976-79 10 Reorganization - Salary Changes 1973 383 Safe Schools 1984 463 School Board Nominations Committee ,1984-86 827,928 School Board President's Reports 1984-85 847 School Books Task Force 1985-86 827,928 School Bus Problem 1981 592 School Closings 1983,85-86 592,827,928 School Commissioners [Board] 1972-76,83-86 363,372,377 380,425,592 827,928 Budget 1974-75 377 Long Range Planning 1976 278 Members 1971-75 278 School Construction 1979-87 363,373,592 827,928 School Correspondence 1980,82-84 263,592,691 School Health Manual 1981 691 School Image 1984-85 592,827 School Maintenance 1983-84 592 School Nurse Image 1984 592 School Site Budgeting 1984-86 825 Cost Center Budget 1985 825 School Visits 1982-83 592 Schools [numbered] 1983-85 745 #009 Carroll Park Sr. High __ 827 #013 (Building) 1976 592 #033 1977-82,84 44,204,425 429,878,880 890,904,964 972 Accounting/Construction— 972 Artisans of Baltimore 1980 880 Correspondence 1978-84 880 Cross Street Festival 1981 882 Kiln — 953 Monthly Reports 1980-81 880 Opening 1979 880,882 Progress Reports 1979 880,905