Learning Program 362 Early Identification of Delinquent and Pre-delinquent East Baltimore Community Corporation Drug Abuse Center Guide Medical Center Medical Facility Plan Medical Plan Shopsteading East Lombard Street East Preston Street Businessmen East Ridge Apartments East Side Women's League Easter Sunday Parade Sunrise Service Easter Seal Society of Central Md. Eastern Avenue Businessmen High Sculpture National Livestock Show Star Eastpoint Health Center Eastwood Eating Together in Baltimore Ebony Players II Echelons of Trauma Care Echo House Dance Menagerie Eckman, David Ecology Ban on Disposable Bottles Economic Advisors [Council] Economic and Community Development [Department] 1973-74 362 1977,81-83 1978 1972 1981-83 362,384,737 950 950 419 362 362 950 737 — 1000,1004 1974 362 1980-81 384 1968 302 1976-80,84-86 1974 1975-76,78-79 362,415,440 463,968 362 362 1984-85 94,463 1978-79 1984 1979 1974 362 94 362 307 1975-76 366 1982 161 1974,76-80 29,280,400 — 966 1979 280 1972-76,81 280,362 966 1977 92 1971-72 1971 362 362 1980 384 1973-80,85-86 362,363,760 833,853,947