1839 Auctioneers' Recognizances 384. Bool, Henry W. 385. Cook, Columbus F. 386. Gover, Samuel H. 387. Gross, John J. 388 . Grundy, Thomas B. 389. Harrison, William G. 390. Hoffman, Samuel. 391. Robinson, William H. 392. Taylor, Robert A. 393. Whitely, Anthony. Coroners' Commissions 394. Bateman. Benjamin H. 395. Crooks, William. 396. Kemp, Simon. 397. Murray, William. 398. Rice, William S. 399. Starr, Thomas. 400. Wright, John.. Bonds of City and County Officials to State of Maryland 401. Ball, William D. Sheriff Balto. Co. 402. Green, Richard C. Tobacco Inspector. 403. Gregory, Dudley S. and others for Building State Armory and Town Hall. 404. Gregory D. S. and others Commissioners of Lotteries. 405. Kell, Thomas Clerk Balto. Co. 406. Kelley, Nicholas and others Weightmasters of Live Stock. 407. Kemp, Simon. Coroner. 408. Medcalfe, Wiliam M. Clerk, Balto. City Court. 409. Starr, Thomas Coroner. 410. Watts, Thomas B. Young, John Inspectors of Green Hides. 411. Worthington, Samuel Treasurer. Election of Delegates, etc. 412. Ball, William D. Trucey, Nicholas Sheriffs Balto. City. 413. Commissioners, of Baltimore County. 414. Five Delegates for City of Balto. to General Assembly Giles, William F. and 40 others. 415. Representatives for 4th Election District. 416. For Baltimore Co. to the General Assembly Poultney , Philip Welsh, Robert Risteau, Thomas C. Stasbury, Dixon Holmes, John B.