1838 Auctioneers' Recognizances 281. Boal, Henry W. Jr. 282. Dowling, Hugh. 283. Goldsborough, Nicholas W. 284. Gross, John J. 285. Grundy, Thomas B. 286. Harrison, William G. 287. Hoffman, Senuel. 288. Lemmon, Robert. 289. Taylor, Robert A. 290. Whitely, Anthony. Bonds to State of Maryland City and County Officials 291. Baxley, Walter and others Medical, Professors Univ. of Md. 292. Bradford, George W. and others Fish Inspectors. 293. Gregory D.S. and others State Lotteries. 294. Henderson, David and Co. State Lotteries. 295. Perine, David M. Register of Wills Balto. Co. 296. Sumwalt, John to Coroner. 297. Baliant, George Levering, Peter Levering, Thomas. 298. Walker, John W. Sheriff. 299. Wells, Richard Weighmaster of Live Stock. Mortgages 300. Edmondson, Moses L. to Navy, Moses. 301 . Gambrill, Nelson and Carroll, David to Savage Mfg. Co. 302. Fitzgerald, John B. and Fitzgerald, Richard B. to Birchched, Hugh and Pierce, Charles. 303. Hobbs, William A. G. to Skinner, John S. 304. Levin, Lewis, C. and others to Tyson, Alexander H. 305. McClellan, Samuel to Glenn, John. 306. Personal, Property Notherman, George to Deford, Benjamin. 307. Paters, Francis to Boynaton, Ray and Hyde, Harry. 308. Selding, Charles Dr. to Agneu, William (Chattels). 309. Weems, George Watchman, John and Beale, John. Mortgages, Release of. 310. Hamill, Alexander to Howard, Nace. 311. Brown, George Exr. Brown, Alexander to Lucas, Thomas Jr.