1837 Stray Certificates off 471, Bell, Isaiah. 4T". Childs, George. 47-. Erdman, Mathias. 474. Jones, William 475. Young, James. Miscellaneous 476. Absconded Seaman Cromwell, Capt. Abner vs Horton, Isaac, 4?*?. Agreement Articles of between Leypold, Eliz, and Potter, ?,P&CO 473. Agreement and Bond Serles, Isaac to Young, John B. 479. Assignment Slaves Bowser, Jane to Blanch, James 0. 490. Assignment Gould, Maurice and Co. to Gould, Charles, 451* Assignment Grace, John to Heald, Jacob. William. 432. Attorney Qualification for admission to the Bar, Wallis, Severn Teackle, 483. Declaration and Gift of Slave Gordon, John %. for Negro Thorn, 49'". Insolvent Debtors, Statement of Commissioners for— 43&. Inspector of Green Hides Fisher, John and Alexander. 436. Inspector of Leather Carmichael, William 487. Inspector of Leather Hoffman, Michael. 495. Inspector of Leather Hoffman, Jacob. 48^. Inquisition taken Balto. Hartford Turnpike Road for not keeping the same in proper condition. 400. Jury Service, absence of Shingluff, Jesse. 491. Law, Study of Handy, William W. in behalf of Jones, Charles. •192. Petition of Gill, Richard W. trustee for Biays, James and Insolvent Debtor 493. Returns of Election Commissioners of Baltimore County.