1837 Bills of Sale Real Estate, fi.H. Goods, Live Stock, etc. 127. Colvin, John D. to Evans, Hugh Davey. 128. Colvin, John D. to Mix, Isaac & Sons. 129. Crook, George A. to Crook, Charlotte. 130. Cross, Walter to Beaty, Edward. 131. Crouch, Thomas M. to Carroll, Charles H. and Finges, George. 132. Cartes, Frances to Wilson. James. 133. Davis, Benjamin to Ball, Shadrach. 134. Davis, Elyah to Benson, John. 155. Davis, William B. & J. to Mathews, John. 136. Deady, John to Magee, John 137. Dealy, William N. to Gill, Edward C. 138. Desplada, Charles to West, Elizabeth. 139. Dicky, David to Hughes, John. 140. Diffendall, Margaret H. to Stewart, Leah M. 141. Fairheld, Lucy to Reese, William. 142. Fisher, James J. to Harmony, Peter and Co. 143. Fitzgerald, John to Drake, Catherine. 144. Franty, William to Kraft, Michael J. 145. Fussel, Jacob to Stielengoe, Michael. 146. Gilbert, Mary to Waters, F. G. in trust for Gilbert, Michael. 147. Gist, William to Byus, Joseph. 148. Goldsmith, John to Bash, Charlotte negro Anne. 149. Grimme, H.A. to Weighorst, H. 150. Hackett, George A. to Dysart, Moses A. 151. Hall, Nathan to Gabril, John G. 152. Hammond, John L. to Evans, Hugh Davey. 153. Hancock, Ariel to Ward, Thomas J. 154. Hand, Nicholas to Perigoy, Joseph and Nicholas. 155. Harris, Samuel to Walter, John. 156. Hayward, John to Stewart, James. 157. Haywood, John B. to Church, William G. in trust for Haywood, Sarah F. 158. Henry, Jacob to Rolloson, Hugh. 159. Henry, William to McKinnell, Henry and Hawkins, William. 160. Holbrook, Jacob to Equin, John. 161. Holmes, John to Jones, Robert. 162. Horney, Samuel to Horney, Thomas. 163. Howard, Wiliam to Emmart, Thomas. 164. Howland, Richard G. and Woolen, Zachariah to Whitson, David. 165. Huddert, Benjamin G. to Robinson, Thomas. 166. Hunt, Robert X. to Gray, Henry W. 167. Iglehart, Agnes B. to Peterson, John. 168. Johnson, Randolph to Phillips, Sarah. 169. Jones, Willlam Jr. to Notherman, Columbus. 170. Keath, Zachariah to Price, Samuel. 171. Kelley, Washington to Kelley, John. 172. King, Perminis,, to Higham, John. 173. Kuh, Henry to Baker, Charles. 174. Kuh, Philip to Baker, Charles. 176. Lamb, John to Hoffman, David.