1832 Bills Of Sale, Real Estate, H. H. Goods, Live Stock, Etc. 239. Collins, George, C, to Vansant, Joshua. 240. Cooper, Henry, D, to Mills, John. 241. Cooper, Samuel, and Burns, Jane, to Doyle James. 242. Cander, William, C, to Bywaters, William, C. 243. Canole, Charles, to Purvance, Robert. 244. Carnan, Charles, to Bishop, Eliza. 245. Carnan, Charles, to Bishop, Eliza. 246. Carnelius, Nicholas, to Bosley, Aman 247. Carroll, Thomas, to Stewart, Robert, John. 248. Crane, Joseph, L, to Crane, Edward, E. 249. Cromwell, Oliver, to Cromwell, Oliver (Coachmaker) 250.Crowl, Daniel, to Red, George. 251. Culverwell, Richard, to Richardson, Budget. 252. Culverwell, R. J. A. to Santmyer, John, M. 253. Curran, Stephen, to to Miskelly, Elizabeth. 254. Cushing, Joseph, to Franklin, Thomas. 255. Dearing, David, F, to Dearing. Walter. 256. Dell, John, K, to Uhler, David. 257. Dick, Catherine, to Mountgarell, John. 258. Disney, Richard, to Elliott, Andrew. 259. Dowling, Patrick, to O'Donnell, Bernard. 260. Downs, Stewart, D, to Keyworth, Charles, B. 261. Drake, Henry, to Edes, Benjamin. 262. Dunham, William, to Nelson, James. 263. Earnest, Awald, to Gilbach, George. 264. Easter, William, to Easter, James H. L. 265. Edmonson, Thomas, B, to Dungan, Hammond. 266. Evans, E.S.J. to Ramsey, Robert. 267. Evans, George, W, to OulshArd, David* 268. Evans, Henry, to McKim, Richard. 269. Evits, Thomas, to China, Neal. 270. Firovea, David, to Detmar, George. 271. Fishpaugh, Henry, to Cole, Zachariah. 272. Fitch, Frederick, to Edes, Benjamin. 273. Fitch, Frederick, to Fitch, Daniel. 274. Forney, Nicholas, to Hardy, Ann. 275. Fort, William, S, to Spicer, John. 276. Fryett, Susan, to Jarbo, Margaret. 277. Fox, Thomas, to Pensfield, Margaret. 278. Gambel, William, to O'Donnell, Barney. 279. Gekler, Godfrey, to Paine, Allen. 280. Gill, Bryson, to Cook, William. 281. Gill, Bryson, to Cook, William. 282. Gill, John, to Deaver, Aquilla. 283. Gorman, Edward, to Russell, Sharlot.