1832 Bills Of Sale (Negro Slaves) 69. Bender, Daniel, to Jones, Thomas, W. Negro Brown, William. 70. Bisclen, Frederick, to Stansbury, James. Negro Sidney. 71. Blamire, Elizabeth and Edward, to Barnes, David, Negro David. 72. Brown, Richard, to Keirl, John, W. Negro Oxford, John. 73. Burman, Henry, to Woolfolk, Austin, Negro Marshall, John. 74. Busk, John, to Kelso, George, Y. Negro Jerry. 75. Busk, John, to Kelso, George, Y. Negroes, Isaac, Mary, and Eliza. 76. Carroll, Mary Ann, to Negro Ben, 77. Chauncey, John, H. to Busk, John, Negro Susan. 78. Collins, James, Attorney for Gould, William, to Busk, John. 79. Conway, John, R and Armstrong, Andrew, to Busk, John. Robinson, Rich. 80. Cook, Thomas, S, to Cohe, Perry. Negro, Maria. 80A. Cross, Richard, J, to Cox, Melville, B. Thomas, Dan. 81. Croat, Anthony, to McClure, John & Co. Negro Lloyd. 82. Cullison, Samuel, Woolfolk, Austin. Negro Betty. 83. Cunyngham, John, to Bush, John, Negro, Thomas, Priscilla. 84. Curry, Edward, to Sleeper, Jonathan. Negro Blake, William. 85. Cutts, Robert, to Walker, Noah. Negro Elizabeth. 86. Davis, Charles, S, to Galloway, Robert, C. Negro James & Judy. 87. Despound, Frances, to Beacham, James. Negro Lloyd. 88. Despeaux, Frances, to Busk, John. Negro Hammond, Gabriel. 89. Denny, Spry, to Busk, John. Negro Julia. 90. Dewees, Andrew, to Woolfolk, Austin, Negro Araminta. 91. Diffenderffer, Michael, to Scottie, Levin, F. Negro Louisa, 92. Diffenderffer, Michael, to Scottie, Levin, F. Negro Louisa. 93. Donovan, Joseph, S, to Woolfolk, Austin. Negro Anthony. 94. Driscoll, Cornelius, F, to Graham, James and Robert. Negro Lewis. 95. Ducatel, Ednef, to Andoin, Veezetta, Negro Henrietta. 96. Edmonson, John, attorney for Goldsborough, Brice, J, to Mister Abraham. Negro Margaret. 97. Ellicott, Jonathan, to Davidge, Susan. 98. Ensor, Luke, to Powell, John. Negro Rebecca. 99. Etting, Solomon, to Hussey, Asahel. Negro Thomas., Wiliam. 100. Floyd, Nancy, to Negro Clemmens, Matilda. 101. Foard, Joseph, R, to Banks, Louisa. Negro Eliza. 102. Frisby, Richard, to Sleeper, Jonathan. Negro Perry. 103. Garry, Michael, to Hog, James. Negro Hetty. 104. Gittings, Mary, to Weeks, George. Negroes, Samuel & George. 105. Gough, Joseph, attorney, to Busk, John, negro, Abraham. 106. Gosnell, Lemuel, W, to Busk, John. Negro Eliza. 107. Gough, Joseph, to Busk, John. Negro, John. 108. Gray, Edward, to Gray, Martha, E. Negro Rebecca. 109. Green, Richard, to Wade, Larkin. Negro Stutely, John. 110. Green, Richard, to Woolfolk, Austin. Negro Ned. 111. Griffith, Edward, to Weeks, Jermiah, Negro, Kitty.