1832 Court Cases Replevin Bonds 34. Keys, James VS Rodman, Benjamin 35. Leonard, Joseph, D. Bauer, David 36. Love, William, W. Redgrave, Samuel 37. Mann, John Peters, Henry & Walker 38. Matchell, Richard, J. Gees, George, Senior 39. McCormick, Province Jonathan, Adams 40. McIntire, David, trustee of Mullen, Robert Mullen, James 41. McLaughlin, Andrew Roberts, John 42. Monson, M. Sheppard, Nathan 43. Norris, Luther, A. Kennedy, Nicholas R. 44. Norris, William. B. " Norris, Luther & Others 45. Patterson, John " Hall, Washington 46. Poole, James, " Ward, William J, and Heighe, Benjamin 47. Powers, Oliver " Walsh, Thomas Yates 48. Rodman, Benjamin " Keys, James N. and Grier, Alexander 49. Shorb, Francis " Valiant, James, B., 50. Stanley, John, " Parks, George 51. Stockton, & Stokes " Carman, Charles 52. Thompson, William, D. " Stump, Samuel and Camon, Noble 53. Truax, John, and Hamilton Robert " Grier, Alexander 54. Walsh, Thomas, Yates " Powers, John 55. Ward, William, Reighe, Ben. trustees for Turner, Caleb " Turner, Caleb 56. Waters, Charles " Fowler, John 57. Whitney, Daniel " McLaughlin, Andrews 58. Wilson, Thomas & Peterkin George, W. " Hoffman, George 59. Zane, Joseph * Price, Walter Bills Of Sale (Negro Slaves 60. Aisquith, Charlotte, to Symington, James, F. Negro Butter, Robert 61. Alderson, William, C, to Woolfolk, Austin. Negro Susan 62. Aldridge, Andrew, to Myde, Samuel and negro Bacon, Nicholas. 63. Alexander, William, to Ferendon, Easter. Negro, Anderson, Henry. 64. aiton, Sfeauel, to vSoolfolk, Austin. Begro Jesies. 65. Ballard, Daniel, to Kelso, George, Y, Negro Morris. 66. Banning,Thomas, to Busk, John, Negro Grace, Richard. 67. Barton, William, J, to Wilson Peter. Negro James. 68. Bender, Daniel, to Matthews, Willlam. Negro Elizabeth.