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MSA SC 5458-51-2628

Dates: 2007/02/22
Description: Staff: Leslie to On-demand for Ed
See also MSA SC 5458-48-590 for procedral advice

Please scan: Washington Afro-American, Capital edition, June 7, 1958. Front pg of issue , a full scan of pg 20 as well as the illustration. Scan in Grayscale and color at 600 dpi or highest resolution possible

Washington Afro-American, Capital edition, May 31, 1958 . Front pg of Issue , Scan in Grayscale and Color at 600 dpi or highest resolution possible

Baltimore Afro-American ,Late Evening edition, June 7, 1958. Front pg of Issue , pg 6-7 .Scan in Grayscale and color at 600 dpi or highest resolution possible

Scanned , pdf created and uploaded , request on msascan1\e\od_finished_msaref_work_orders. Request is archived on Mega0\scanning\archive\msaref.

Working copy of scans should be placed on Server for Leslie to pick up. Archival copy to be saved under MSAREF number folder. Thank you.

March 1, 2007: Both volumes picked up by John Gartrell for return to owner. JFC.
Accession No.: MSA SC 5458-51-2628

Date Entered: 02/22/2007
Date Completed: 03/01/2007
No. Pages: 0
Amount paid: $0.00
Amount due: $0.00
Tracking No.: T -0



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