RoJA Pag* 446, Senator Goslin appointed a Committee of one. Motion to adjourn, Adjournment One hundredth and sixth meeting;. Present. Approval of Minutes. Payment of Contract #020»-B authorized. Extension of time on Contract #015AB2. Payment of Contract #0273 authorized. Approval of agreement between the State Roads Commission and the Washington 8P* &&*** a»d «*•«$» 2rd. said road to the Chicacorcico Piver. Upon motion of !Jr. T.'iller, seconded by Dr. Clark,, it was voted that Senator Goelin bo appointed a Committee of one, to confer with Comptroller of the Treasury 3. C. Harrington, to endeavor to secure the payment of the Motor Vehicle Receipts for the maintenance of Aid roads for the year ended April 1, 191;:, Upon motion of Dr. Clark, seconded by !.!r. Gotlin, the Commission acl jour nod. ASJOURHBD: Chairmfen. etary, Baltimore, Md. November 27, 1912. A speoial meeting of the State Roads Commission was held at its offices, 534 N. Howard Street, Baltimore, Md., this Wednesday, November 27, 1912, at 9.30 A. M. Present. Chairman Weller, Dr. Remsen, Dr. Clark, Messrs. Miller and Goslin. Upon motion of Dr. Clark, seconded by Dr. Remsen, the minutes of the meeting of the Commission of November 1, 1912, were approved. Upon motion of Mr. Goslin, seconded by Dr. Clark, the payment on November 13, 1912, by voucher #21034, of the final estimate of Freoh and Alien, on Contract #0203-B, from Gamber to Fenby, in Carroll County, amounting to $3.679.57, is hereby ratified and approved. Upon motion of Dr. Remsen, seconded by Mr. Goalin, It was voted that the time for completion of Contract #015AB2, on State Road, #1, by the Piedmont Construction Company, be extended from November 1, 1912. until December 20, 1912, as recommended by Chief 3nglneer Shir-ley, in hie letter of November 7, 1912, and that said Company be required to sign an agreement ae to laying macadam after November 1st, with the understanding that they shall maintain same until June 1, 1913. Upon motion of Dr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Goelin, the final estimate of the Hssaam Paving Company, on Contract #0273, on the Annapolis Boulevard, from the Magothy River to Glenburnie, in Ann* Arundel County, amounting to $28,359.61, ie hereby approved and ordered paid, as recommended by Chief Engineer Shirley in hie letter of Novemberl2, 1912. Upon motion of Mr. Goelin, seconded by Dr. Renteen, the agreement made on the 27th day of November, 1912, between the State Roads Commission, and the Washington, Spa Springs and Gretta Railroad