Page 424, Final Estimate on Contract Ho. 0151. Chairman authorized to employ Mr* Crosby, when necessary. Purchase of Gasoline Runabout. Moved by Mr. Goslin, seconded by Mr. Miller, that the final estimate of the Hiokey-Swann Company, amounting to $4343.£0, on Contract #0161 in Charles County, be, and the same is, hereby approved. It was voted, upon motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Goslin, that, while no immediate necessity appears at this time for continuing Mr. 17. ff. Crosby as consulting engineer of the Commission at a salary after August 1, 1912, tho Chairnan be, and he is, hereby authorized to so employ Mr. Crosby in the future in any special case where the Chairman may deem it necessary, the Chairmen to report his action in this respect to the Commission for confirmation. Moved by Mr. Goslin, seconded by Mr. Miller, that the Chairman be authorized to purchase, for the use of the Commies ion, a gasoline runabout. On motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Ransuy, a contract was awarded to William H- Claggett of Pikesville, Md., for the resurfacing of a portion of the road known as the Baltimore Turnpike, located between the wostern limits of Frederick City, t-nd tho eastern limits of tho town of Middletown, a distance of approximately 8 miles, in Frederick County, upon the terms and conditions set forth in contract and agreenent this day executed by tho said iVilliam II. Claggett and the State Roads Connicsion. Moved by Mr. Goslin, seconded by Mr. Rarasay, that a committee Committee to recommend route consisting of Mr. Miller and the Chairman, be appointed to consider "bet. Carroll's Cor.& Marion Sta. and to reconnend to the Commission the route of the road to be built between Carroll's Corner and Marion Station, in Somerset C ounty. Contract awarded iTm.H.Claggett for resurfacing portion of Baltimore Turnpike. iaprov.of Frederick !?d. from 01 ty Iota, to Catonsville and thro1 Catonsville. State Aid granted Hd.Directors ttt AH«gany Co. on 7a. Ave.&o, Moved by Mr. Goslin, seconded by Mr. Miller, that the matter of improving the Frederick Ror.d from the City Limits to Catonsville, and the matter of building a State Highway through the village of Catoneville, as presented in the letter of July 31, 1912, from John Hubner, President of the Catonsville Neighborhood Improvement Association, be referred to the Chairman and Chief Engineer, with power to act. Moved by Mr. Goslin, seconded by Mr. Miller, that the request of the Road Directors of*Allegany County for State Aid on Virginia Ave., Contract 229, Corrlgansvllle, Section 2, Contract 196, Frost-burg Road, Contract 244, and Luke, Contract 256, be granted, and the