"Page -531. Question of completion of Contracts Nos.0181 and 0183 referred to Chairman and Counsel with power. Motion to adjourn. Adjournment. Boulevard lyin^ in Baltiinure County, ivn? under contract. The for agoing- resolution war unanimously adopted, (VIRP3AE the Chief Engineer of the Oomnirrion advised the Board at its neetinr of June 19th, ?\s to the slo\v progress of \vork of 1). '/. Au.lt ip:: Ooinpnny on Contracts ?;0181 nnd #0103, and recommended the termination of the employment of paid Company on this \vork, and the employment of some other person to finish same ; and ^YHSHSAS, on June "Tnd, the State ?oads Com-raicsion, in conformity witli which recommendation served notice on P. V. Ault & Company to this effect, - I.ir. J. Ker-p Bartlett of Counsel for D. V. Ault & Company addressed the Commission, setting forth the reasons for delay, and rennoctina- that "'. 7. Ault •"- Company be allorred to oonnlote these contracts ; Pr. Hens en moved that tho matter "bo re-Orred to the Chairr-an P.ncl Counsel of the Oonnirsion, with po'.ver. The motion Vfvs seconded by "'.r. ?hoetif-Ver, nnr\ .''dotted. On motion of Mr. PhoeriaVer, seconded "by !•!'. ^eraron, the Comnicsion rdjourned. ^ecret^.iry. Baltimore, July 6th, 1911. -seventh Meeting, Present. Changes in Belair Electric Co. Agreement referred to Committee. The Regular Semi-monthly Meeting of the State Roads CommiBBion was held at its offices, Union Trust Building, Baltimore, Md., this Thursday, July 6th, 1911, at ten o'clock A. M. Present: Governor Crothers, Chairman Tucker, Dr. Remeen, Messre. Shoemaker, Hutton and Lloyd. Dr. Remsen moved that the matter of certain changes in an agreement submitted to the Belair Electric Company by Counsel to the Commission, for execution, be referred to a Committee consisting of the Chairman, Mr. Shoemaker, Counsel and Chief Engi-