• Page 329, Motion to adjourn. Adjournment. Baltimore City, .............................$A40O.OO State tone's Conr-ii'sn on, .....................1 MP9 . f>0 Strte Aided ^ordp (ill::tr United us fon:j.'.':•' Anr.e Arund.el Co.', 91.10 B:-ltlrno?'e County, ....... 1930.74 Caroline County, Carrol"1 County, ......... Cecil County, Chrrles County, ......... Dorcherter Comity, Frederick County, ....... Harforci County, Howard County", ........... 510.97 Montgomery County, lB59.f-A Prince George'e County,... rfir.40 Sonerpet Co^.nty, 74.?4 Talbot "0'inty,'!...... ... 105.7.'' T7ashintrton County, 7P.P9 "7icoriico County, ......... G-j7.^ 'Jorcerter County, 4-'4.^9 On notion of T'r. Ilutton, rncor/lecl by I.Ir. ohoer:-->er, the C onr.i'• s i on ad j oxirne fl. Acl iourned : 74.: -4 92': 7. AH 27.::?? ??•«. 3 S liecrotnry, f-lt-imre, 1./1. , Jur.o ?:4th, 1(J11 . Pifty-sixth Lleeting, Present. Henewal of offer for Heisters-town Tuampike. .1 f-*peoiP.l ir.eeti'r.r of the J'tfite "oo^s CoTmlrr- Ion V7^r at itr offj^ep, Union Trust Bin'lclinj, B?."ltimore, U* -. , thir Satur day, Juno 24th, 1911, at 10:30 ,\ . ". Prorent: (Jovo^-nor CrothorP, Ch^lrmr'.n T;.icl:or, T>r. ^enr and I.Ir. Shoemutor. The reading of the minutes vmr. fliRoensed with. Dr. ^.ompen offered the HESOL77.D that the f:tate Hopds CornmiRsion renew their offer to the Baltimore and Reisterstovm Turnpike Company to purbhase the City end of the ^eisteretown Turnpike for the sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars, (§60,000.00) , this offer to be subject to acceptance on or before the first day of September, 1911. The foregoing resolution was unanimously adopted.