Page 303. Motion to adjourn, Adjournment. The Zelly Stationery Co. Campbell B. Royston, do. do. do. do. do. ,$4.00 .90 .25 5.00 6.50 16.50 12.50 The Dctlany-Yernay Company, ...............95.00 do. 2.00 Edward L. Kaufman & Co., ................. 6.00 P. Weber & Co., 1.40 do. 12.80 New Holland Llaohine Company, ............. 3.50 Maryland Lime and Cement Co., 1.20 Edward Oswald, ................ ..........40.00 G. Chaney, 18.00 E. On motion, duly seconded, the Commission adjourned. AD JOURIJED: Attest: Chairman, Secretary, Baltimore, Md., May 4 th, 1911. Fifty-first Ileeting. Present. Approval of Ilinutes. Bill of Mr. Zaylor ordered paid. Request for equipment to be used on Contract #061. Delegation regarding completion of Contract #0186. The Regular Semi-monthly Meeting of the State Roads Commission was held at its offices, Union Trust Building, Baltimore, Md., this Thursday, May 4th, 1911, at 10:30 A. M. Present: Governor Crothers, Chairman Tucker, Dr-Remsen, Dr. Clark, Llessrs. Shoemaker, Hutton and Lloyd. The minutes of meetings of April 15th and 20th were, on motion duly seconded, approved. In view of the explanation of I£r. E. P. Cohill, regarding charge of $37.44 for services of Harry iV. Kaylor between January 2nd and llth, 1911, in paying off labor, etc., Mr. Shoemaker moved that this bill be paid. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hutton, and adopted. Dr. Remsen moved that the request of the County Commissioners of Worcester County for one two -horse water wagon, six drag scoops, one dozen stone forks, and one dozen picks, to be used on Contract $061, be referred to the Chairman, with power. The motion was seconded by Mr. Shoemaker, and adopted. A delegation from the Belair Road with Major Gatoh as spokesman, requested the Commission to endeavor to have the contract of Mr. B. P. Lindsay, #0186, pushed to an early