Rp.JA Page 298. to "bo certified to r for •"Jhairnan to approve award of contraot for Lover Bdg.P.d. Motion to adjourn, ,djourn:.:ent, Bridge Street in Caroline County, Contraot #234, work done from May 10th, 1910, to February 16th, 1911,. $7362.67. Bridge Street, Contraot #234 (Luten Bridge Co., Contractors) for work done from February 15th to March 15th, 1911, amounting to $267*30. Falls Road, Section 4, Contract #198, amounting to $4540.42. Park Heights Avenue, Section 3, Contraot #180, amounting to $16342.13. Mr. Shoemaker moved that all bide received April 3rd, 1911, on the Dover Bridge Road, be referred to the Chairman and Engineer for tabulation, with power to the Chairman to approve the award of the contract to the low bidder, If, in his judgment, such action is proper. The motion was seconded by Mr. Button, and adopted. On motion, duly seconded, the Commission adjourned. ADJOURNED: Attee Secretary. Baltimore, Md., April 15th, 1911. Fiftieth Meeting. Present. Minutes not road. Deeds for SrnrnituSburg and Glarksville Tnoks. accepted, Motion to adjourn. Adjournment. A Special Meeting of the State Roads Commieaion was held at its offices, Union Trust Building, Baltimore, Md,, this Saturday, April 15th, 1911, at two o'clock P. M. Present: Governor Crothere, Chairman Tuoker, Drs, Reins en and Clark. The reading of the minutes was dispensed with. Governor Orothers moved that the deeds for the Frederick and Bmmittsburg Turnpike and the Sllioott City and Clarks-ville Turnpike be accepted, and the consideration therein named paid. The motion was seconded by Dr. Remsen, and adopted* On motion, duly seconded, the Commission adjourned. ADJOURHED: Attest: S*or*tary,