Page 293. Committee to take up question of purchase of Heisterstown Turnpike. Estimate of Holt Constn.Co. on #054 to bo paid. Soad T/ork of County Coznmrs. and T. J. Barrett in Caroline County to be stopped. tfork on Frederick Pike. Bills approved for payment, Dr. Bernean moved the appointment of a Committee, consisting of Chairman Tucker, Ur. Shoemaker and Counsel to the Board, to take up with the City Authorities and the Reisters-town Turnpike Company the question of the purchase of the Reisters-town Turnpike, with authority to purchase said pike for an amount not ezoeeding $100,000., provided arrangements can be made that will enable the State Roads Commission to pay for it, and report at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hutton, and adopted. On motion of Dr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Button, it was agreed that the estimate of the Holt Construction Company for vrork done on Contract #054 to February 15th, 1911, amounting to $373.51 "be paid, when approved by the Auditing Committee. Dr. Clark offered the following: "RESOLVED, that the work of the County Commissioners and T. J. Barrett in Caroline County be stopped, in view of the fact that there are no funds now available in the hands of the State Roads Commission to pay for further work. FURTHER RSSOLVED, that should the County Commies!oners of Caroline County desire to co mplete the section of road under contract with T. J. Barrett, in the event of their completing same under the supervision and to the satisfaotion of the State Roads Commission, all bills for same that may be approved by the State Roads Commission will be paid in the future out of any funds that the State Roads Commission may acquire available for this purpose." The foregoing resolution was unanimously adopted. On motion of I«lr. Shoemaker, seconded by i-*r. Hutton, the engineering department was authorized to proceed with work on the Frederick Pike. The following bills were approved for payment: F. VTeber & Co., ............ do. do. Johns Hopklns University,... J. x. 3. Diffenderffer, do. do. Sun Job Printing Office.,... J. R. M. Adams. Hirshberg Art Company,...... do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Campbell B. Royston, ....... do. ..$11.70 4.05 31.20 .. 15.80 1.20 2.40 3.40 .. 3.50 .14 .08 6.60 4.50 8.10 2.70 2.70 3.84 3.68 2.80 2.70 2.70 3.00 2.70 5.34 2.70 .. 2.10 11.70