Page 289, Assignment of Duvall & Feld-meyer contract referred to Chairman and Counsel. Approval of Contract for Dover Bridge and Causeway left with Chairman, and Chief Engineer, Increase in salaries referred to Chairman. Laying of service pipes on Philadelphia Road by Balto. County Water Company. Request to be allowed to re- « etime work on Contract £0210 in Washington County. SSTork to be resumed on Contract Ho. 072. of the Commission to an assigm.ient of thotr contract to the Ilassam Paving Company, stating that thoir bondsmen had assented to the substitution of the above-n?.'.med Company. On motion of Dr. HeMEen, seconded by Governor Crothers, this matter was referred to the Chairman and Counsel of the Board, with po'.ver. The Oaairnun reud a communication from the County Couimis-sioners of Talbot County in which they stated that the Contract for the i-'over Bridge and Causeway had bean awarded by then: to the llelson-I-lerydith Company, subject to the approval of the State Beads Commission. Governor Crothers noved that the approval of this av;ard be left with the Chairn.:i.n and Chief 3n£inoer. The notion v/..s seconded by Dr. Rensen, and adopted. The :an submitted to the Board cor:v.''unications from. ?.. H. Dixon, Jr., u.:d Robert '.7. Owens, engineering inc-.oectors in the employ of the Connir.sion, asking for an increase in their respective salaries to §100.00 per month. He also stated that I.Ir. Grosby had recomnended a similar increase in the salaries of Messrs. Smith and '."atts. On motion of Governor C,-others, soconded by Dr. Hemsen, this matter was referred to the Chairman. ^ request from the Baltimore County -7ater Company was submitted to the Board to lay service pipes on the Philadelphia Road near Orange ;/i lie. Chairman Tucker atuted that he had refused to grant the Vaster Company a porr.rit to lay these pipoa, but that it had gone ahead v/ith the \vork without pormission. On motion of ^r. Hutton, soconded "by G-ovornor Gi*otiiers, the Counsel to the Board wc.s instructed to take such legal action against the Baltimore County Wator Company as he may think proper. J.JT. S. P. Cohill addressed a comrnunication to the Beard with the reouest that he and Dr. Scott be allowed to resume work on their Contract #0210 in V/ashington County. Governor Crothers moved that the Chairman and Chief Engineer be instructed to name a date upon which, in their judgment, it would be well to start work on this contract. The motion was seconded by I,!r. Hutton, and adopted. Governor Crothers moved that the County CommiBsioners of Dorchester County be permitted to resume work on their contract #072. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hutton, and adopted.