Rp.JA page ?56. Committee appointed to select expert. Arrangement as to cost of expert engineer's advice. Substitution of iron poles for wood on Liberty and Harford Roads. Charge by United Railways Co. for supervision of watchmen Electric Company will take up the pavement now authorized to be laid and relay the same, resetting its tracks to conform to the opinion of said expert, at its own expense, and without any charge or expense to this Commission, and that such work of relaying this pavement shall be done promptly, and on notice to this effect from this Com is si on, based on the opinion of said expert; and in the event of the failure of the United railways & Electric Company to perform such work within a reasonable time after such notice, the State Roads Commission shall have the ripht to proceed with said work of relaying said pavement and resetting the tracks of thd United Railways 3: Electric Company in this pavement and as far as may be necessary adjacent thereto with its own forces, and to collect the cost of the same from said United Railways & Electric Company. On motion of Dr. Clark, seconded by "Or. pemsen, it was agreed that Mr. Shoemaker he appointed a committee of one, to act with Mr. Prank Purst in the selection of an expert engineer as arbitrator betweun the state Roads rorunissicn and the United Railways & Electric Company of Baltimore. The motion was carried. On motion of ^r. -raemsen, seconded "by Governor Crothers, it was also ap^aed that the cost for the aforementioned expert engineer's advice should be divided between the ctate Roads Commission and the United Railways & Electric Company of "Baltimore equally. The motion was adopted. By and with the advice and consent of IT. wank Purst and ?T. J. M. H^od, Chief Enginaor of the United -oailways & Electric Company, who ware present, tha following resolution offered by Mr. Hutton and seconded by rfovernor Crothers was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED that iron poles be substituted for wood poles on tha Harford and Lib-arty Turnpike Roads within the limits of Baltimore City, with the understanding that the State Roads Commission is to pay threj-fif ths (3/5) and the United railways & Electric Company of Baltimore two-fifths (2/5) of the cost of the iron poles with their foundation material ; all the wood poles to be taken out by the State Roads Commission and retained as their property. On motion of Mr. Hutton, seconded by Mr. Shoemaker, it wağ agread that the United Railways Company be allowed tha charge for supervision of watchman on all bills aa rendered, provided these charges check up with Mr. Crosby's report*. The motion wag duly carried.