RoJA Page 254. Mr. Shoemaker moved, in view of the opinion of the Counsel, that the contract of Messrs, fisher * ^arozza on the Contract of Fisher ^ Carozza Falls Road be considered as coming under the terms of the new on Falls Road to "be considered law, and that monthly estimates on same be forwarded to the under new law. Comptroller. The motion was seconded by Tir. dark, and adopted. On motion of Mr. Shoemaker, seconded by r. pemaen, it was agreed that this charge of $240.76 be not allowed the County Commissioners of Somerset County, and that they be adviaed if a till far th* actual nuznbar of days on which tha equipment was used at $5.00 per day is sent to the Commission, same will be submitted to th« Auditing Committee for ite approval. Tfte motion was adopted. The Chairman also presented bills from the County Conmia sionera of Somerset County showing charge of $15. for uae of