Page 181 , T.Td. , ''ay 5th, 1910. 3ighty-fcecond Masting. Present. Minutae were not rsad. Appearance of ^r. L. 1?. Clag-gett before the Commit si on regarding the Jefferson Pike. Delegation representing the Harford Road Improvement c iaticn. Delegation requesting six par-cant grade on Balair Ruad. Tha regular semi-monthly meeting of the State Pcads rom-raission was held this Thursday, T.'ay 5th, 1910, at its off j cos, Union Trust Building, Baltimore, v'd. , at 10:30 A. ?'. Present: Tha Governor, Chairman Tucker, "easrs. Hutton, Shoemaker and ^lark. The minutes of the previous meetinrr of the Commission ware not read. !'r. T,. •"(. Keono Clarr^att appeared 1-efura tr 3 commission in regard to tho Jaff arson Pik3, bot-.vaan Jefferson and Wev-3rton and "between Jsffarson and ^rad^rick. The Chairman etatod that the piles had ha.-jn offered the CoOTnission at $10,000'., but by private subscription, throurfi the afforts of "r. Clar.^tt, tho pried had baon radv,c2d to ^9980. Thara ar^ 7 miles of pike, in very ^o^H condition. The question arose as to v.'hether th 3 pika v/as o-.tied in feu or whether any easements or rirhts had bejn pr anted by the company for the erection of telephone poles, trolley -.virse, 2tc. It was understood that "r. Cla^n-ett -./ould obtain this information and present same at the next m^etinr of the commission. A delegation repr^sentinr the Harford ^oad im Association, headed by *'r. Harry 1V. Adams, had a conference with the CommisBicn, stating that their object was to take up matters along the Harford Poad and :o assist, as Tar as possible, the Commission in securing rirrhts of way, '-.c. The officers of the I'arford Poad Impr jvem int Aesociation are; J. George Gahring, Karford Poad ^ Atlantic Avenue, president; I'r. Charles ,T, Knox, Lauraville, T'd. , Vice President; T'r. r\ p. Bradfiald, 4 Hamilton Avenue, Socretary; ?"r. T. u. Fallonee, Parkville, Treasurer. It was agreed that if the services of ths Association -.vsra needed in sacurin,"?; any rights of way alon/r the route, they v/ould bo corarnunicated -.vith in regard to sane. A delegation of citizens and taxpayers alonp the Air P.oad, Mr. Frank ?•'. Gorsuch, spokeanan, requested the "ommis-sion to make the p;rade on the Bel Air Poad at Putty Hill a 6# grade. After some discussion of the matter, it v/as understood that the Chairman would take up the question with the County