(Minutes) Liber 1, 1908-1913

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(Minutes) Liber 1, 1908-1913

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Page 175. Acceptance of contracts in Calvert County "by Messrs. M. ^annett & Sons. o "6 | ^j r 3 -S Awarding of contract in Anne Arundal County to Massrs. Stehla *c ::cauckian. c Awarding of Contract in Wi mico County to Caroline Construction Company. Approval of Engineer's action recording employees in Engineering Department. Bills ordered paid. List of Bills. Mestrs. *r. T'ennett 4: Sons, rndiana, Pa. , accepted the two contracts in Calvert County, ^Tos. 031 and 032, "but to accept the Anne Arundal County contract at a raducticn. The Chair reported that Messrs. Stehle ^ rccruckian, Annapolis, I'd., had agreed to accept the Anne Arundal County contract "by reducing the price on excavation from 37/ to 34/, makinp the contract price $12,687.80. !.'r. Shoemaker moved that the contract "be awarded "essrs. Stahle & EcC-uckian, for work in Anne Arundel County, at the reduced price on excavation. Dr. rernsan seconded the motion, v/hich v/as adopted. In Wicomico County the chairman r jconrnended that the contract be awarded the only bidder on that work, via: the Caroline Construction Company, at thrir "Hid. T>r. Clark moved that the contract in V'icomico County, Contract Ool-'B, "he awarded the narolina Construction Company at their "bid. The motion \vae soconded "by Tir. Pemsen, and adopted. The Chief Engine Jr addressed the Commission a communication re-ardinp; tha resignation and appointment of certain employes in the engineer's office. T>r. Clark moved that the action of the Chief Engineer he approved- The motion v/us socond^d "by "^r. ^a'^sen, and adoptad. Dr. Clark moved tn.;at all "bills v/hich have ivajn approved oy the Auditing Co'nmittee, he authorized for payment. T. Pemsan seconded the motion, \vhich was adopted- S£.id hills v/ere as follov/sr ?. C. Mutton, ..................... do. Consolidated C-as, ^lec. T,t .?<: Po\v. Co. TT. C. Hunter, ?. ?'. T,atham, ..................... John ?'. Little, John ". Louis, .................... .Tuniata Pavin.r* Company, do. dv. County Commissioners of Wicomico Co D. =!. Walsh, P. T. Reddington, ................. P. ^. ^c vr. r>. P. Co. , 18.65 129.29 3.00 1851.12 038. 97 5'i.00 fi5.33 1188.00 3525.93 557.33 712.89 426.71 5855.48 40.00 Bills for labor and materials Dr. P.ernsan moved that all hills for lahor and materials on in Montgomery County ordered the --vork in T'ont^omary County, he paid when approved by the Auditing paid. Committee. Tha motion was seconded by Dr. Clark, and adoptad. Chairman authorized to advertise for bids on road work. ?Tr. Shoemaker moved that the Chairman he authorized to advertise for bids on Work in any of the counties that may ba ready for improvement between now and the next meeting of the Commission, The motion was aaconded by Dr. Ramsen, and adopted.