Page 160. List of Bills. Bill of Somerset Ccunty to ve paid after vein~ ay?, roved by ^in aer' s Dept and Audi tin-r Commit. te-->. Bills of Sprinrfield State Hosj. :.tal ordered paid. For.-ns for keeping accour.ts of road construction to be furnished count iesdoir..^ work under State Sup-rvi sjion. Claim of So. "Balto . Cor.stn. Co. for services and materials furnished on Centrevl. Road. referred to Counsel for his opinion. Action of ^n^ineer in r-e<-urd to furloughs, approved. r "r?. Tr-rin, .................... f" i4.ll do. 1*7.45 W. D. Soraervell, ................... 12-.'. 27 Delaware Hardware Company, 2C.73 do .......... X.14 Consolidated C-us, ^le-c. T,t. '• Pov/. ~,-. 6.yQ Delav/are Hardware Comi an., > ......... 13. Oo do. 15.05 Haines 1- Kirk, ..................... ^.''.04 H i r i;hb « r r Ar t C ump an y, 3^.13 do. " ............... 3.68 American Ice Company, 1.25 7. ",'eb«r "c Co. ...................... 01. u3 consolidated Oas, T*lec. T,t. •- Pov/. ^c. 4. Co. , 350.43 ?. C. Hut ton, ...................... 3r.?o ,T. ". Tuc'c<'r, J3.'.;y ''r. Shoema'.cer of the Auditinp; Cormitteo stc'^Rd in regard to the bill of the loard of County Commissioners of nofr.erset County, that he \,hiOU'-'ht the bill uhould take its usual co-;rse and be approved by the """ncrineer1 s Department for payment, and that as soon as approved by the "^npinoer' s Depart^e^t, t>'S Auditinr Committee will approve the bill, thereupon ^r. ^iark moved th-at the bill of the County Commissioners of Somerset Count;', v.-h-er. found correct and approved by the "^n^ineer's Department, be paid. The motion v/as seconded by Dr. ^emser., and adopted. Dr. Remsen muved that the rills of the Sprir.rf:eld State Hospital, './hich have been in dispute, be paid. The motion vrac seconded by '.'r. H'.;tton, and adopted. Dr. Remsen moved that the forms v/hich are in preparation by the Chairman and T?r.rir."er, for the proper keepir.r of accounts of road construction, be furnished the counties v;here work is beinr; done under State supervision, and that t" ey VG informed that their accounts must be rendered on those forms. The motion v/as seconded by I'r. Shocma::er, and adopted. The Chairman read a letter from T. ^. T. "c'"'i5lt.v, attorney for the Sout>: Baltimore Construction Company, rep;ardinr an alleged claim of said company for services and r.-iaterials furnished on the Centreville contract, in Oue^n Anne's County. Dr. Remsen moved that the matter be referred to the counsel of the Commission for his opinion. The motion v/o..s seconded by I'T. Shoemaker, and adopted. The Chairman presented a letter from the chief ^n^ineer regarding the furlough of .T. •*". Thomas, "r. T. T'artin, .T. P.. ?ralone, A. C. Knight and D. r>. Handy. ?.rr. Shoemaker moved that the action of the "^n^ineer be approved. The motion was seconded by Dr. pemsen, and adopted.