Page 158. Chairman & Chief ^ngi to confer as to form of reports on v/ork of Springfield State Hospital for road work in Carroll County. Acceptance anu payment in full on Contract #052. Audit of accounts of Co: miss ion. Motion to Adjourn, . Adj ournrae nt. 1.101 ion Wats seconded hy C-overnor "roth'^rs, ;.nd adoj ted. jr. the matter of the report cf the f!p r: rr-f ield state Hospital for ^oad \vork done in ^arroll four.ty, in rerard to v.hich there \vas a difference in t'i.e "Hetv/o^n The rmninoerinfr department ar.d the hosp:tal people, it './as ur:d :rst, od that the Chairman and tl:e Chief "^ruuneer v/c-uld confer as to tiO'n0 proprr form iVr reports on v/cr'-c of this charact-'.r in the fi.'.ure, so that all accounts for lumber, materials, Jtc. could he cl'.ecked prop'rly. Gfov^rnor Croth-'rs Moved t'.at the Corrj-u :.• ^ i c. r. accept (^r.der the arreerr.ent) the -/ork of I?. W. T"eEser.--?r, \;nder Viis contract -#052, on the "^ederals'nurg-Dorch^ster ^o^r.ty Pcad, and t' at pa\7:-ient therefor in full he authorized and r.;ade accordir.;: to the final eati!n-;.te approved •-;••• the Ch^ ar.d t].e Chief ^n;-iveer. Trie laction .-/as seconded "b;. "^r. Pe.-.-ser. ar.d ado; ted. C-ov rnor Crot.h TS :iv,ved -/at the Chairman of this Corn::!-1; si on take vp \vith the Audit ^ornpany to '-e n:.,r-,"d hy >ressrs. Thcinas ".: Koon, the question of auditing the acccun'L5 of the Ccm-raiLsicn, and to r.iake arran~er-:ents •••i'.h "/ e f~\ c'.it ^or.0.:.:iv-;" 1 efcre underiakir..f gi-:ch worlc, as to t]4e com;:er.saticn to '".c paid the Audit Company for said .vcrk. The metier, v.s seconded " h "". Ku-;tor., and adopted. ''r. K'.itton rn.ved that tjv- Cc.rj.ii L:. : on adjc"rn. The mo lien V/...E duly seconded (hy C-overnor Croth-'rs) ar.d adopted. Attest,