(Minutes) Liber 1, 1908-1913

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(Minutes) Liber 1, 1908-1913

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Page 157 Concur: lection from L'r. L. Duhois including bill for Seventy-five dollars. ro^d jouth from Oakland tr.rards Red House in "rarrett County. Offer of citizens of Tariey-tovm to turn over ?• oadov/ '••'•ranch' Pike. "^xtenuion of time for cornplo-of various rouds no'.v under contract. The Chairman read a letter from I'r. T.. Dubois, of 1'echanic BVI lie, St. Gary's County, including a 'hill for v7^.00 for land alleged to have been taken from him for the purpose of "building the State Road in said County. !.'r. Shoemaker moved that ?.'r. Dubols be advised to the effect that instructions had teen given all contractors not to encroach en any private land, and that if any question of encroachment arose, it was a matter to be taken up Ihrovgh the County authorities and not v/i th the Commission, and that if the contractor encroached on any land, he did so on his o\vn responsibility. Dr. 'Remson seconded the motion, \v%ich was adopted. A communication was received from !'r. ftilmor S. Kami 11, of Oakland, Garret t County, regarding the extension of the road south from Oakland towards Red House, and asking a further hearing on this question, on the ground that additional reasons could now he given why their request should he -ranted. It was the sense of the meeting that T-'r. Parnill he communicated \vith to the effect that he mirrht file with the Comr.-iiiiuion a detailed report settinr forth t.he reasons for th.e extension as desir-ed, and that the matter would receive th? consideration of the Commission, hut that the Corirai trslon could not rrar.t a further hearing on this matter. A letter was received from Mr. T.. ^. Heindollar of Taneyto-vn, !Td., stating t/,at at a meeting of citizens of that tov;n, he \vas instructed to say that if the Fjtate poads Commission v/ould give the citizens a written f^-:arantee that the road would he "built b^. tV;e Commission from Westminster, through ?riz2.3lhurg and Tyrone, to Taneytown, the citizens v/ould at once arran-e to t-irn over to the commission the T'eadov/ f.ranch Pike, so that it could he adopted as a part of the State system. The Chairman was requested to communicate with frr., .^ivinr: the routes selected by the Commission, and stating that the Commission is now at \vork on the section "between Sykesville and Westminster, and expect to take it up from the end of the Pike and huild towards Taneytown. The Chaiivan presented a letter from the Chief """ngineer r-^ardinft the extension of time for the completion of the various roads nov.' under contract. Dr. ftemsen moved that the extensions "be granted in accordance with the -recommendations of the Engineer. The