Page 156. Baltimore, "Penruur,) 3rd, I'^IO. Seventy-fourth tree ting Present. Reading of Lhinutes, Changes of plans of road in Somerset County. Request of Ccurr:y Co rial s-sion-^rs of Somerset County to build additional 3 -niles, Permission granted County Coumisi-ionr-ro of Somerset County to construct 7.81 miles additional state road. The rerular semi -non thly -eetinr cf the State Poads Commission was held this Thursday, ^e' rv.ary 3rd, li/10, at its offices, Union Tr-.'.st Building, Baltimore, :'uryLi-:d, y.t 1O:SO o1 clock A. h'. The full menV.ershii. of the Cor^ii t-sicn, viL: the governor, the Chaiman, "essrs. Per^sen, Shoemaker, Button ar.d ^lark, way present. he reading cf the v. i " r '"as disyers^d v/ith. th^ previous '.^etin.rf o Connie si oners of Somerset "ounty, represented hv one member and their Counsel, a^oared before th^ Cc.^ir/iisci en, requesting a change in the plants elir.ij natin^ certain curves and shortening the distance of the road. Dr. Clark moved that the chanres requ^etod "!"" r^rantTd, on condition that t:.-? ri;-hts-of-'.vay h-o rranted free cf all cost to the Slate, and that the proposed changes ^cet -.vith th^ ax: rcval cf the "^np-ineer, after pro; or surveys have V o n :ade. Th.e rr.ct.i<.,n w o o t~l t~* t "oy Oovornor Croth.ers, a^d adopted. ?Jr. Joshua w. riles, Counsc-l U Lho ''c :...rd of "cur.ty raiL'i.-ion-^rs of Sorn-rsst C unty, and T'r. T,. >T. "'h.'. t craft, """nrin'nr for u-xid County, -uado for-al reii',;eat of th-:.- C to allow the County "oj'mi u^ioners to "! uild an additional three znilcs of road, on the sane tpr'-:s ar.d conditions •••nder ",' they are no-v v/orkinf*. Oo\rernor Crot';-.-->rs moved t/:at authority he n-ivsr: the County Co::::.'iit;Lion-:Ts to construct 7.01 :iiles additional, upon the sarne conditions the fi rut 3 '.".ilr>3 '.vere ordered to be constructed ny the County Cornmiiiaioners of nom'?rset County, under the svij, --Tvisif^n of the Commit:.;i on1 a "^nri /^or, the County CoTiraioiiion-'-ra to report to the State Pcade Commit-c-ion the portion of this r.iileare to he "built of shells, to.'--ether with the proh-ab Le cost thereof ; t?.e State Poads Corrirni^iU^n reserving to itself the rirht, at any time, to cancel this arrangement, v/hon, because of excessive expense or otherwise, it is not, in its judf'^nent, hein^ Ccirried on at a cost rvh:ch it helisves to he just and reasonable ; and upon the further condition that the road be completed this year. The motion waa seconded by "Hr. Perasen, and adopted.