RO.TA Page 129. Appointment of C Motion to Adjourn. Adjournment. widening. In order to keep from violating the original contract, which was to take over the entire pike, the United Railways Company want us to enter into an agreement "between the City and ourselves and them, by which we consent to separate deeds "being taken for the county end and then deeding to the city or having condemned the city end. The nounsel stated that the agreements are short and that there was nothing in the agreements that is not in accordance with the original agreement, and nothing in the agreement that is not in the law. Governor Crothers moved that the Chairman, the Counsel and the Chief Engineer be appointed a committee to investigate and report to the Commission in regard to this matter, at the earliest possible date. The motion was seconded by Dr. Remsen, and adopted. On motion of Dr. Reraeen, seconded by Governor Crothers, the Commission adjourned to m-^et October 21st, 1909. Attest: "Baltimore, Md., October 21st, 19o9. Sixty-fourth Meeting, The regular semi-monthly meeting of the State Roads Commission was held this Thursday, October 21st, 1909, at its offices, Union Trust "Building, Baltimore, Maryland, at ten o'clock A. T5. The Chairman called the meeting to order.