Page 128. Communication from llr. Chas, D. Walker. Communications from .Messrs. Robinson and Bill of Kelly-Sprin -field Roller Company authorized to be paid. Walker, of Frederick County, under date of October 6th, 1909, regarding a survey on the New T'arket Road from the "Frederick Pike to Monrovia. Dr. Remsen moved that a survey be made on the Hew Market Road, in Frederick County, from the Frederick Pike to Monrovia, as soon as may be expedient. The motion was seconded by Mr. Shoemaker, and adopted. The Chairman read a communication from T'r. R. D. Robinson and Mr. tfnss regarding moving the fences on the line of road in St. Mary's County. Governor Crothers moved that the Inspector on said work be authorized to secure estimates for replacing this fencing. The motion was seconded, and adopted. Governor Crothers moved that the bill of the T' Springfield Road Roller Company, amounting to £2,525.00, be paid, and charged to the Worcester County fund, with the understanding that the title remain in the State Roads Commission for any adjustment they nay see proper to make of it in the future. The motion was seconded by Dr. Remsen. Upon a vote heing taken, the Governor, the Chairman, Dr. Hernsen, Mr. Hutton and "Dr. Clark voted "Aye". Mr. Shoemaker voted "No". Dr. Clark stated that he voted "Aye", in favor of the bill, although the original action in regard to the purchase of tne roller had been taken by a vote of only three members of the Commission in favor of it. He thought purchases ought not to "be made unless four members voted in favor of them c.8 required by the lav/-, "but as the purcl'ase had been made in this case and the roller v/as now in use, he thought it better to vote "Aye" and not raise any uuestion in connection with the matter. If he had "been present at the original motion he stated he might not have voted "Aye", and wished this explanation of his vote recorded in the minutes. Agreements with Baltimore & York, Baltimore & Har-ford and Baltimore & Jerusalem turnpike Companies. The Counsel addressed the Commission regarding the agreements with the Baltimore & Harford, the "Baltimore & York, and the Baltimore & Jerusalem (or Bel Air) Turnpike Companies, to obtain titles to those pikes. He stated that the necessity for these supplemental agreements is that "Baltimore City wants to widen the Baltimore & Harford and the Baltimore & Jerusalem Turnpikes. The Commission has a contract now with the United Railways Company, which owns the majority of the stock in those pikes, to turn them.over subject to their railroad rights. The City wants to get its title direct from the turnpike companies in order that they can widen the city streets to 50 feet between curbs, and have this Commission expend the money on improving the streets after