Rp.IA 97. Continuation of Mr. 7*. F. Rugglee as ?irst Aest. Engineer, Ttaployment of Hon. J.JJ'.C. * Talbott as Aest. Counsel. Condemnation of Frederick Pike. Advertising of roads in Howard, Carroll, Baltimore Harford and Queen Anne's Counties. Motion to Adjourn. Adjournment. First Assistant Engineer at the Present Salary, subject to later joint action of the rteological Survey Commission and the State Roads Commission. The motion was seconded "by Dr. Remaen and adopted. Mr". Shoemaker moved that the recommendation of the Counsel as to the employment of the Hon. J. ?. C. Talbott a» Assistant Counsel in the matter of the condemnation of the Frederick Pike in Baltimore County, whose fee shall "be f 1,000., be adopted. The motion was duly seconded, and carried. It was moved, seconded and carried that the Chairman and the Counsel be authorized to take such action ae may "he necessary in accordance with previous resolutions for condemning the Frederick Pike. • r On motion of Mr. Shoemaker the roads in Howard, Carroll, Baltimore (Westport) Karford and Queen Anne's Counties were ordered advertised, as soon as plans are agreed on. The motion was'seconded and adopted. On motion, duly seconded, the Commission adjourned* At Chairman. Baltimore, Md., July 12th, 1909. Forty-eighth Meeting. Present. Minutes not read, Refusal of Monmouth Construction Company to Accept contract In Calvert and Anne Arundel Counties. Awarding of Contract in Calvert County. A Special Meeting of the State Roads Commission was held this Monday, July 12th, 1909, at its offices, Union Trust Building, Baltimore, Md., at 10 o'clock A. M. The Chainnan called the meeting to order. Present: Governor Crothers, Chairman Tucker, Messrs. Shoemaker and Hut ton. The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Commission were not read* The Chainnan reported that the Monmouth Construction Company had declined to accept the contract for grading, bridging and draining the sections of road in Calvert and Anne Axundel Counties at the reduced price of 33/ per culsic yard for excavation as authorized at the meeting of the rontniseion of July 1, On Motion, duly seconded and carried, Contract £0$Q| Calvert County was awarded to Messrs. fM$ter & Carozea, B*itiflb»fit» they having reduced their bid, to $11,670.80, the price at Whlflfc said road was tendered to the Hannouth Construction Fisher and Caroasa having reduced their priee* on ClMM Masonry, Concrete Maaonry, 12 inch Iron Water Pi|ft, 14 inv&