Page 46, Tentative route in Montgomery County Tentative route in Frederick County Tentative route in Washington County Chairman to reply to corejnunication from lc.& tt.Ass'n regarding road from Pair Hill to Dela.vare Line. so far as the funds -will permit. The motion was seconded by G-ov-e-nor Crothers and adopted. ).'r. Hutton moved that the tentative route in Montgomery County be located from the District Line to Hyattstovm, via Rockville, Gaithersburg and Clarksville, on condition that the question of the transfer of the Pikes in the Eastern part of the county be presented more fully to the Commission later on. The motion was seconded by Dr. Remsen and adopted. Dr. Clark moved that the tentative route in Frederick County "be located from the Carroll County linG near Ridgeville, thr-.ugh Frederick and Middle town to the V/a^hinrt on County line; and from the Montgomery County line near Hyattstov/n, throupn ?'onrovia and !Tew Market to New London. LCr. Hutton seconded the motion and it was adopted. Mr. Hutton moved that the tentative route in \7ashi n.'it on County be located from the Frederick County line near Boonsboro, via Ka.^ers-tovm, Conococheacue, Clear Spring and Hancock to the Allep;any County line. Dr. Clark seconded the motion and it was adopted. Dr. Clark moved that the Chairman be requested to reply to the Communication from I'.r. Summerfield Baldwin, of COM ittec of the Merchants oc 1'anuracturers Association, re^ardin^1 the extension of the read from Fair Hill to the Delaware Line, and to say that the Commission feels assured the bridge at Conov/ingo will be constructed. The motion was seconded by Llr. Hut Ion, and adopted. On motion of Governor Crothers, seconded by Dr. Remsen, the Commission adjourned to meet Friday, February 26, 1909, at 10 o'clock A.M., at its offices, Union Trust Building, Baltimore, I'd. , for the purpose of hearing fro HI the representatives of the various counties and the City of Baltimore on the tentative routes located by the Commission. It was later decided to hold the meeting in the Fourth Regiment Armory, Payette Street near Paca Street, Baltimore, in order to accommodate the citizens who are expected to assemble. ADJOUR1TKD: ATTEST: Chairman. (46)