Page 42 Inspection trip over Hagerstovm & B oonsboro Pikes Dr. Remsen raovd that the Commission make a tour of inspection over the Baltimore & Fredericktown Turnpike and the Booneboro and Haperstovm Turnpike from Baltimore to Hagerstown, and the Old Frederick Road to Mt. Airy, the Frederick & ilonocacy Pike to Frederick, the County Road and Beaver Creek & South 1'ountain Turnpike from Frederick to Hagers-town by way of Kyersville. The motion was seconded "by Dr. Clark, and adopted. Dr. Remsen moved that a Committee, consisting of the Chairman, Committee to wait Mr. Shoemaker and the Counsel, be appointed to wait upon the repre-upon representatives sentatives of the Baltimore & Predericktown Turnpike Company and the of Balto & Fredk Pike Boonsboro & Hagersto-vn Turnpike Company regarding these pikes. . The motion v.'as seconded by Governor Crothers and adopted. Adjournment. On notion, duly, seconded, the Commission adjourned to meet Thursday, February 18th 1909. ADJOURNED. Chairman. Baltimore, Md. , February 18, 1909. The second regular bi-monthly meeting of the State ^oads Comris- Twenty-seventh Meeting sion was held Thursday, February 18, 1909, at its offices, Union Trust Building, Baltimore, Lfd. , at 11 o'clock A.M. Present. Idinutes approved. Bills ordered paid Present: Governor Austin ".. Crothers, Chairman John ' . Tucker, Kc. Francis C. Kutton, Dr. Ira Re/asen, Ur. Samual I . Shoemaker and Dr. Wm. Bullock Clark. The minutes of the previous meeting of the Commission were read. Ho corrections "being made in the minutes they stood approved as read. The Chairman presented several bills for the consideration of the Commission, and upon motion of Dr. Rensen, seconded by Dr. Clark, the bills enumerated were authorized to be paid- The bills follow: Wm. H. Smith, Expenses, etc. $ 89.79 Able Auto Hiring Co., hiring 25.50 | 115.29 Mr. Shoemaker moved that the State Roads in Baltimore County be tentatively located as follows: Beginning at the City limits (42)