Page 36. Presentation of The Chairman presented certain bills for the information and consideration of the Commission, as follows: Bills W. H. Smith ...... $ 41.66 G. G. Tovmsend .... 213.00 "Edw. H. Deets ..... 20.00 C. A. Warthen ..... 20.00 G. K. Sykes ...... 41.66 D. C. Handy ...... 25.00 J. R. Ewell, ..... 20.00 J. T. J-'erritt ..... 20.00 R. B. Irwin ..... 41.66 W. F. Lankford .... 25.00 T. Albert \Yard .... 20.00 P. T,. Wickes ..... 20.00 W. D. Somervell ..... 30.00 Daniel Huhbard .... 30.00 Irwin G. Lewis .... 30.00 R. T. Davis ..... 30.00 Payment of bills au thorized, as well as of all tills for fixed charges. Dr. Clark moved that the above bills and all bills already authorized to be paid, like fixed charges, such as salaries of officials, rents, etc. and all other bills which have been authorized, shall be paid by the Chairman of this Commission at the first of every month or •.vhen sUch bills become due and are presented for payment. The mrtion was seconded by • r. Hutton and adopted. The Chairman read a list of other bills, as follows: Bills. A. S. Abell Company, advertising, $ 5.63 C. C. Fulton