Page 29. Surveys in Charles Co. 1'r. Shoemaker added to Committee on Sujjj.-liec IL£. Hutton substituted for Chairman on Cora, on Suplies. Co- .v.itteo ci.uthorii.ed to purchase supplies. Adjournment Mr. Shoemaker moved that surveys be made frorr. Matt woman the District Line and from the end of the State Aid Survey near ?orestville to Marlboro. and in Charles County from H'attwoman to La Plata. The motion was seconded by Governor Crothers and adopted. Dr. Clark moved that l.'r Shoemaker be added to the Committee on Supplies. The motion v/as seconded by 1'r. Hutton and adopted. Governor Crothers moved that Mr. Hutton be substituted for the Chairman on the Committee on Supplies, the Chairman desiring to be relieved. Mr Shoemaker seconded the motion v/hich was adopted, the Committee being authorized to purchase the supplies checked off on a list furnished by the Chief "''ngincer. Dr. Clark moved that the Commission adjourn to meet L'onday, November 23rd., 1908, at its offices, Union Trust Building, Baltimore, at 11 o'clock A.?.'. ATXOURKTO. ATTST Chairman. Nineteenth I'eotin; Present Minutes. Correction of loase witii Johns Iloplcins University Field note-books. Baltimore, Md., November 30, 1908. Pursuant to adjournment, the State Roads Commission met at its offices, Union Trust Building, Baltimore, Maryland, November 30th., 1908, at eleven o'clock A.M. Present: Governor Austin T. Crothers, Chairman John Y.. Tucker, Messrs. P. C. Hutton, S. ?.r. Shoemaker, Ira Bmsen and Win. B. Clark. The minutes of the previous meeting of the Commission were corrected and approved. Dr. Clark moved that the matter of the correction of the lease with the Johns Hopkins University as to floor space be placed in the hands of the person who drew the lease, in order that it may be re-written to conform to the resolution passed at the last meeting of the Commission. Mr. Shoemaker seconded the motion and it was adopted. Dr. Clark moved that 500 field note-books, like the form now in the use by the Geological Survey Commission, be purchased for the use of the survey parties of the State Roads Corn- 29.