TO:        All participants in the public hearing before the Commissioner of Land Patents concerning
              Warrant No. 96, to be held, Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 1:00 p.m. in the Electronic
              Classroom, Maryland State Archives, Hall of Records Building, 350 Rowe Boulevard,
              Annapolis, Maryland 21401

FROM:   Edward C. Papenfuse, Commissioner of Land Patents

DATE:    April  18, 2002

RE:         List of Participants and Witnesses

The following is a list of participants and witness submitted by the applicants and the objectors in the matter of Warrant No. 96:

Applicants:  Richard E. Geyer and Patricia M. Geyer

Attorney:  Richard E, Geyer, Esq.

Applicants' Witnessess:

        Richard E. Geyer
        Mike Van Sant
        Sourabh G. Munshi
        Donald Allen

Objectors:  Aubrey Carlyle,  Lucy A. Carlyle, and Doyet W. Carlyle

Attorney:  Lee Klavans, Esq.

Objectors' Witnesses:

        Doyet W. Carlyle
        Aubrey Carlyle
        Lucy A. Carlyle
        Mrs. Aubrey Carlyle
        Bruce G. Fusselbaugh
        David L. Linton
        Sourabh G. Munshi

For the Commissioner:

        Edward C. Papenfuse, Commissioner of Land Patents
        Richard H. Richardson, Deputy Commissioner of Land Patents
        Richard E. Israel, Assistant Attorney General