Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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145 COMMUNIST C017TROL IN LABOR Pood, Tobacco, ... Agricultural, and Allied Workers of America, 1505 Race St. Phila, 2, Penna; membership: 70,000; 6 votes. Publ: g«T£'JL. News; Pres: Donald Henderson*; Sec-tfreas: Harold J. Lane*; V. P'ss Lewis Bentzley; John Mack Pyaon; Luisa Moreno; Otis Nation; Armando Ramirez*; Robbie Mae Riddick; Dixie Tiller; Armando Valdes; Owen H. Whit field. Hand Boatmen's Union of the Pacific, 614 National Building, Seattle 4, Wash, membership: 3,000; 2 votes; Pres: John M. Fox; Treas: John H. Evans; V.P.'s: John H. Evans; John Palmer; Lee DeLong; Lawrence Amell; Ralph Goldsmith; Mail Wedekind. International Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians, 5 Beekman St., N.Y.C. 7; membership; 8,000; 3 votes" Publ; C ,1.0. News; Pres: Lewis -a-ian Berne*; Sec-Treas: James A. Gaynor*; V.P.fs: Marcel flcherer*; Stuart Green; Jules Korchien International Longshoremen*s and Warehousemen's Union, 604 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cali|; membership; 40,000; 5 votesTPubl: ILWU Dispatcher; Pres: Harry Bridges; Sec-Treas: Louis Goldblatt; Vice-Pres: J. R. Robertson; Michael Johnson; Ex. Bd: 12 members. International Union of Fishermen and -allied Workers of America, Arcade Bldg., Seattle, Wash; membership: 10,000; 5 votesjJOB. F. JurickJ Pres. International Union of J?ur and Leather Workers of America, 251 Fourth Ave4, N.Y.C; membership: 609000; 7 votes; Publ: Fur and Leather Worker; Pres: Ben Gold; Sec-Treas: Pietro Lucchi; Ex. Bd. IB members. .Leather division: Pres: A.J. Tomlinson; Sec. Tret.s: Isador Pickman; E£. Bd,, 17 members. International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers, 222 West Adams St., Chicago 6, 111., membership: 110,000; 9 votes. Publ: *'he Union; Pres: Reid Robinson*; Sec. Treas: James J. Leary; V.P. Ralph Rasmusson; Ex. Bd: William Mason; Dan Edwards; Angelo Verdu; Leonard Doughlas; Homer Wilson; John Man- Kowski; C.J. Powers; Robert Carlin; Eddie Cheyfitz. Marine Cooks and Stewards Association, 86 Commercial Street, San Francisco, 11, Calif; membership: 4,000; 5 votes. Sec-Treas: E.F. Burke*; Assn't Sec: Hugh Bryson*; Port ^gent: Frank McCormick; Ed. Direct: Louis Pinson; Branch Of- ficers: Joseph Harris; John Sneddon; Joseph.* O'Connor; Rudolph Eskovitz; Nathan Jacobson; Irv. Dvorin; William Markey. National Maritime Union, 346 West 17th St,, N.Y.C. 11. Membership: 60,000; 7 votes. Publ: The Pilot; Pres: Joseph Curran**; Nat. Sec: Ferdinand C. Smith*; Nat. Treas: M. Hedley Stone*; V. P's; Howard McKenzie*: Frederick N. layers*; Jack Lawreneon*; Nat. Dir: Ralph D. Rogers; E"i!J. Cunningkam. State, County, and Municipal Workers, 2 Lafayette St., N.Y.C. membership: 45,000; 5 votes; Publ; ITews of S ,c"S.W; Pres: Abram Flaxer*; Ed. Helen Kay* Trahaport Wpikers Union of ^merica, 153 West 646h 3t, N.Y.C. 23; membership: 40,000; 5 votes. Publ: Transport Workers Bulletin; Pres: Michael J, Quill*; Sec-Treas: Douglas MacMahcn*; Dir. Organ: John Santo*; Ed; Maurice H. Foreg* V. P»s: James J. Fitzsimon*; William Grogan* (Gorgan?); Matthias Kearns*; John Lopez*; Ex. Bd, 12 members.