Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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155 SELECTED FRONT OBGABI2IMOHS HEPDBLIC El Frente Unido Dominicano de Hueva York (no address given)* Pres: Dr. Gerardo Ellis Cambiaso; Seck Gen: Juan M. Diaz, Jr; Sec: Mauricio Cellejo Partido Revolucionario Pominicano (no address given). Sec. Gent Juan M. Diaz, Jr; Gen. Vi. Sect Jugo S. Brache; Fin. Sec: Aristrides Gull en FINLAND Finnish-American Mutual Aid Society, 80 Fifth Avenue, H.Y.C. Pres: Richard Bjorbacka; Sect Carl Paivio GERMAHY German-American League for Culture, 799 Broadway, N.Y.C. Pres: Otto Sat- tler; Sect Georg Schmidt. German-Merle an Emergency Conference, 305 Broadway, N.Y.C. Chaixmant .-> Felix Boenheim-j Svc: Walter Mueller; Tins: Albert Schoenherr; Executive Board: Huas Diabele; Rudolph Kohler; Karl Meyer; Otto Sattler; Georg Schmidt; Paul Sturm. Nature Friends offline rica, Inc> 27 Bast 17th StM N.Y.C, Pres: Georg Schmidt; V. Pres: Julia Jarius and Oscar Friedman; Sec: Charlotte Bleicher; Treaa: Gertrude Juretschse; Ed: Louis Sutherland; Ed* Direct! Gertrude Sherxnan; Bus. Mgr: Lottie Eransler; Giro. Mgr: Else Thiellman. Victory Gommittee of Germanwimerican Trade Unionists, 305 Broadway, N.Y.C4 Chairman: Michael Otoermeier; Sec: Gustav Fatoer; Tx&s: Fred Snopek German-American Anti-Axis Students Committee, 799 Broadway, 1T.Y.C* Chair* man: Lawrence G, ^olf; Sec: Irmgard Heymann; Ex."Bd: Heinz Krohn; Henry Stern; Klaus Motulsky Council for Democratic Germany, 3041 Broadway, N.Y.C., Chairmani Paul Tillich; Directors: Felix Boenheim; Albert A. Schreainer; Elizabeth Bergner; Peter Lorre; Karl Overman; Paul Hagez. American friends of German Freedom, 120 Bast 16th St., N.Y.C., Chairman: Prof. Reinhold Neibuhr; Treas: Adolph Helm; Sec: Mary Fox; Ex. Sec: Anna Caples; Hes. Director: Paul Hagen German Labor Delegation in the U.S.A. 31 UnionSquare, N.Y.C., Pres: Albert Grazesinski; V, Pres: Max Brauer and Carl Misch; Treas: J)r. Werner Thorman; Ex. Sec: Er. Hudolf Katz; Directors: Dr. Horst Baerensprung; Gerhart H» Segere; Fritz TeJessy. Society for the Prevention of World War III, 515 Madison Ave., H.Y.C. i-res: Rex Stout; V. rres: Lyle Evans Mahan; Directors: Hudolph Fluegge; Fred- erick V. Foerster; C. Monteith Gilpin; Julius L. Goldstein; Isidore Lipschutz; Peter B. Olney; Harry L. Selden; Paul "inkier GHEEK Hellenic-American Fraternal Society (IWO), 80 Fifth Ave. , N.Y.C., Sec: Nick Marines