Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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125* SELECTED COMMUNIST FRCNT ORGANIZATIONS SCOPE OF ORGANIZATION In the organization's make-flip there are a number of subcommittees formed to bring "information" concerning topics of interest specified to each committee. The "information" emanates in the Soviet Union in most instances. This is verified by the constant stream of cablegrams and literature, containing Soviet propaganda, coming from the Soviet Union to the various countries. The committees consist of the itollowing: agriculture, architecture, art, dance, education, music, nationalities, publications, science, trade union and women. These committees function not only to spread "information" concerning their topics but also endeavor to collect both information and material and submit them to the Soviet Union in an attempt to further "American-Soviet Friendship." As an example, the Science Committee has been successful in exchanging scientific data with the Soviet Union as well as arranging exchange of scient- ists between the United States and the Soviet Union. The National Council of American-Soviet Friendship has cooperated in the publication of pamphlets and literature and the distribution of films and exhibits with such organizations as the magazine "Soviet Russia Today"; the American Russian Institute, Inc.; Sovfoto (Soviet Photo Agency); Artkino Pictures, Inc.; and Branden Films, Inc. Sovfoto and Artkino Pictures, Inc. are registered agents of Soviet principals whose purposes are to send propaganda to the United States and other countries* The subject organization obtains from Artkino and Branden Films, Soviet produced films, which in turn are dis- tributed to the various affiliated councils and other interested organizations. NATIONAL FEDERATION FOH CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTIES 205 East'42nd Street, New York City This organization was formed in 1940. Since that time it has reportedly followed the Communist program. The organization is a non-membership type of group and conducts most of its activities through the distribution of literature and the occasional sponsoring of conferences or mass meetings* OFFICERS George Marshal, Chairman; Frances M. VJilliam,s Executive Secretary; Mary'D. Pond, Associate Secretary; A. J. Isserman and Nathan r~itt, Counsels; Lyman R. Bradley, Academic Council's Secretary; Andy Seller, Yfeshington Secretary. ATMS AND PURPOSES The organization propagandizes and agitates for Legislation ostensibly affecting the civil rights of the individual. However, a close examination of its program reflects that it has followed closely the program of the Communist Movement in the United States. It has primarily concerned itself with National issues regarding the rights of Communists, persons whom it designates "liberals",. Negroes and other groups allegedly discriminated against as minority* The most recent pamphlet of wide scale distribution has been one pertaining to "a statement by leading Americans on the critera for Army commissions and other