Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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119 SELECTED COMMUNIST FRONT ORGANIZATIONS Consumers* Union claims that it has about 100,000 members. The organization is reportedly controlled by Communists and is affiliated with organizations in which reported Communists and Communist sympathizers have taken active leadership. The fundamental approach to work on consumers matters by the Communists is the abolition of the American system of privately owned industry. In this re- gard, Arthur Kallet published a book entitled "Counterfeit" in 1935, shortly before he is accredited with the founding of the Consumers* Union. In this volume he wrote "Good counterfeiting cannot be ended so long as it pays; that is, so long as industry is privately owned and profits are the motivating force behind pro- duction; and to suggest any remedy will be to offer only one more counterfeit to consumers..... The reader may ask the person questions as to how completely good counterfeiting has been eliminated, along with private industry in Soviet Russia." In spite of the background of many of the leading spirits of Consumers Union, they have not made a practice of introducing political elements into the Reports* This was tried at one time, but objections from subscribers led to the dropping of the attempt• Officers Director Arthur Kallet Editor Madeline Ross President Colston E. Warne Vice President Hartley Cross Secretary Harold Aaron Treasurer Bernard J. Reis Board of Directors Harold Aaron Paul J. Kern (on leave to armed Eleanor C. Anderson forces) Hartley W. Cross Ecanuel KLein Osmond K. Fraenkel Bernard Reich Leland Gordon Bernard J. Reis Harry Grundfest Madeline Ross Jerome Hellerstein . Adelaide Schulkind Arthur Kallet' Colston Warne CODNCIL FOR PAN-AMERICAN DEMOCRACY 23 West 26th Street New York City This organization is a nonmembership type group, under the leadership of Frederick Tanderbilt Field, former leader of the American Peace Mobilization, and Marion Bachrach, Chairman and Executive Secretary respectively. It is reported that the Council for Pan-American Democracy distributes large quantities of pamphlets relative to Latin America both in English and in Spanish. Many of its publications are published by the Council itself, while Others are sent by the Confederacion de Trabajadores de la America Latina, or by the Workers University of Mexico. It is also said that the organization has