Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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115 SELECTED COMMUNIST ERCNT ORGANIZATIONS 3. The eliaAnation of all existing handicaps, such as discrimination because of race or national origin, in the naturalization laws, in production and in all phases of our national life. 4. "The defeat of all 'Anti-Alien-Bills' in Congress and the passage of legislation to facilitate and encourage the naturalization of non-citizens." "The American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born maintains a Naturalization Aid Service to assist non-citizens who wish to become naturalized citizens. Advice and assistance on naturalization and citizenship problems can be obtained free of charge by applying at the Committee's office, either in person or by mail." AMERICAN-RUSSIAN INSTITUTE, INC. Also known as American-Russian Institute for Cultural Relations with the Soviet Union, Inc. 58 Park Ave., New York City & 101 Post St., San Francisco, flalif. This organization is a service type group having close affiliations with Communist functionaries in the United States. It serves in the capacity of an information bureau relative to the Soviet Union. Occasionally it holds meet- ings and conferences in honor of some phase of Soviet life. The organization is not registered as a foreign agent; however, it is known that the groups have close ties with the Soviet Union Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (VQKS). The organization was first formed in the United States in 1926, and in 1930 it assumed its present name. It was originally organized in New York City and subsequently in the early 1930»s the San Francisco Unit was established. There is no apparent control exercised by the New York group over the San Francisco group; however, their general activities and approach to their v/ork are most similar. In New York City the organization is run by Harriet Lucy Moore serving for a-Board of Directors including the following: Basil Bass, Aaron Bodansky, Edward Clark Carter, Samuel H. Cross, Mortimer Graves, VJilliam W. Lancaster, Robert S. Lynd, Harriet L. Moore, Arthur Upham Pope, Henry E. Sigerist, Ernest J. Simmons, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, and Maxwell F. Stewart. Of the above persons the following are also members of the National Council of American Soviet Friendship: William W. Lancaster, Arthur Upham Pope, Henry E. Sigerist, and Vilhjalmur Stefansson. In San Francisco the organization has the following officers; Holland Roberts President Rose' Isaak Executive Secretary Dorothea Eltenton Educational Director Louise Bransten Publication Director Rhona Gerber Office Assistant