Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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65. !» • COMMUNISM AND CATHOLICISM •ould keep up to date by subscribing to the Daily Worker and the Worker; Political Affairs; and In Fact. For facts on the other side, they should subscribe to the daily and Sunday New York Times and to the New Leader. .It is literally amazing to note the contrast between the Times and the material carried by the press associations and most newspapers. This is particularly true of Communist movements abroad. From these sources, calm factual accounts could be given when appropriate about the trends of Soviet imperialism and the corresponding movements in this country. With such ammunition, our people would be armed with facts and not merely emotions when the subject of Communism. Since the subject of Communism is so widely discussed among the clergy, it is important that they too be given up-to-date facts. The average priest is not likely to read widely on the matter, hence the following two recommendations are made: 1) this present report should be rewritten, con- densed, and carefully edited into a brochure similar to the earlier N.C.W.C. report on the question. Since material contained in this chapter, should be included, it is suggested that the brochure be distributed only to the clergy and that through the diocesan chanceries rather than through public sale. For the general public, such regular pamphlet writers as Father Feeley, S.J. or others known to be planning pamphlets could be supplied information which they may lack. As a matter of fact,, several of these writers have access to good material already. 2) the average priest could be encouraged to sub- scribe to the New Leader, a liberal weekly which is opposed to all forms of totalitarianism and which is" highly factual in its approach. Such first-rate writers as William Henry Chamberlin, David Dallin, and Eugene Lyons are frequent contributors. The New Leader is published by a group of New Yorfc Social Democrats. There is no guarantee that occasional p&rases offensive to Catholics may not be found in articles, although it is known that the editors are trying to avoid such offense. They feel that the Catholic Church is the major world bulwark against Communism and wish to co-operate with it. In view of the fact that there is no Church control over the publication, it would be better that recommendations be private. This could take the form of articles in publications for priests, dealing with sources of information on Communism; recommendations in clerical conferences; and possibly a letter to the editors by a private priest, which they could use in circularizing the • clergy. The suggestion that more factual material be furnished Catholics does not conflict with the earlier observation that many of our efforts convert the converted* VJhat was objected to were sermons and editorials against Communism directed to listeners and readers who would not be such if they had any leanings towards Communism. We can take the opposition for granted; what is needed is material so that our people can document their opinions when talk- ing to others. Furthermore, the few among us who may be unconsciously in- fluenced by Communist propaganda would be enlightened much more effectively by facts than by general statements* Nevertheless, there is need of direct ef- forts to get these same facts to the non-Catholic world. Our work only commences when we educate ourselves. The real problem is to educate the mass of Americans through the radio, motion pictures, press, lecture platform, books mass organizations, labor unions, and other media so successfully used by the Communists. Pope Pius XI, in his great encyclical on Atheistic Communism calle for a united front with wthe overwhelming majority of mankind who still " • •• •'•