Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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25. AMERICAN COMMUNISM On.the basis of this general program, the Executive Committee of the Third Communist International in October 1930 laid down the basic directive for the American Party. Since there is evidence that this document is now being studies as the primary guiding directive for agitation among Negroes, it is reprinted in full from The Communist (Feb. 1931, pp. 153*167) X* The Negro question in the United States is that of an "oppressed nation." 2. The slogan of the Communist Party must be: "The Right of Self-Determination of the Negroes in the 'Black Belt1." tfBlack Belt" refers to the most heavily Negro populated area in the South stretching west from Virginia to the Mississippi River.) 3. Negroes have been deprived of their equal rights which should be obtained for them and the struggle therefor is one of the most important of the proletarian class struggle.rin the United States. 4. Uith particular regard for the struggle to obtain the right of "self-determination" for Negroes in the "Black Belt," there was urged, a. "Confiscation of the land and property of the white landowners and capitalists for the benefit of the Negro farmer." b« "Establishment of the state unity of the 'Black Belt1". c. The "complete and unlimited right of the Negrf majority to exercise governmental authority in the entire territory of the 'Black Belt' as well as to decide'upon the relations of their territory and other nations, particularly the United States...... d. The free republic of the Negroes in the "Black Belt*is not to be considered a separatist government, although autonomous, but is to be linked with the rest of proletarian America. 5. The Party adapts its tactics relative to Negroes to correspond with the mood of the general public. It must not be to» radical that Negroes will not recognize that the Party demands their own. In all of its work among Negroes the Party must follow the dictates of the Communist International relative to the "colonial question" accepted at the Sixth Communist International. 6. Negro Communists must see to it that radical Negro leaders not Communists abandon their chauvinistic tactics and work with the white revolutionists.