Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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AMERICAN COMTONISM Puerto RLco and the Philippines* .. Break diplomatic relations with fascist Spain and Argent ina... Remove from the State Department all -prof ascist and reactionary officials." "Use the Bretton roods Agreement ••• Grant extensive long term leans and credits, at l»w interest rates, for purposes of reconstruction and industrialization . " scrapping of government-owned industrial plants* Guarantee the operation of these plants at full capacity for peacetime purposes." "Extend and improve the sustem of democratic orientation and discussion in the Armed Forces. Draw more personnel from labor's ranks into orientation work* Eliminate all antilabor and antidemocratic material and teachings from the education services conducted in the Armed Forces.11 "Outlaw Jtoti-Semitism... Support... immediate abrogation by the British government of the imperialist vThite Paper, Support the upbuilding of a Jewish national home in a free and democratic Palestine*.. w Later the manifesto goes on to say: "Is is now incumbent upon us to give militant leadership to the struggle for Negro democratic rights on all fronts, especially intensifying our educational work among white trade union- i sts, We must rebuild the Cf'wnmunist organization in the South. We must develop and bring forward a strong corps of working class Negro Communist cadres in the great industrial centers of the nation." (The Worker, Aug. 12, 1945) There are some indications that the new Line marks a reversion to the initial theory of Marxism, holding for violent revolution. An indication of this is found in Minor's recommendation that Americans study Volume 23 of Lenin's collected works. In this volume is found Lenin's "Letter of American Workers," which calls for a proletarian revolution. (Cf. New York Times, June 16, 1945, editorial page). On the other hand, during the summer conventions, delegates were warned against premature agitation and "left sectarianism." Front Organizations. A distinction is made within the Party between "Party Apparatus" and "Mass Organizations." The former refer to strict Party groups, such as their publications and schools. The latter is used to denote front organizations and controlled labor unions. In the first case there is strict Party control, by the device of "democratic centralism." This formidable sample of Communist jargon refers to the fact that all Communist ruling groups are elected by a democratic, secret ballot, and are subject to recall. Once the higher group has taken a "decision, however, the lower group is bound t« strict obedience. Naturally, the control of mass organizations must be less strict. It is rather a matter of leadership, persuasion, and deception. The Front organization presupposes a cause, an organizer, and a recep- tive group. The Communist Party supplies the first two, and 'the groups interest*- &d in the cause furnish the adornment for letterheads, funds, and mass membership. The front technique permits the Party to indoctrinate and solicit funds from groups which it could never reach under its own name. Such groups are quite useful for propaganda purposes. They are possible only because the