Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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18. . - AMERICAN COMMUNISM Readers of this report who may be interested in knowing Communist strength in the -various dioceses might consult the list of delegates .and visitors attend- ing the National Convention (Appendix II). By calculating one delegate or visitor for each five hundred members, an approximately accurate list will be achieved. In a few states, notably New York and Pennsylvania, a slight error will occur by using this method. Pennsylvania had two alternates and one honorary delegate (Mother Bloor), while New York had several alternates and many local functionaries attending. A table of dioceses, according to ap- proximate strength of Communism, is given below. Figures obtained by this method tally accurately with confidential reports of Communist strength, per- centages figures based on assigned Daily Yforker quotas (except for the West Coast, where the Peopled Daily World circulates), and reports from diocesan questionnaires, especially those where the Ordinaries had access to infor- mation of unquestionable accuracy. Where there is concentration outside the see city, the area is listed in parentheses. • TABIE I. COMMDNIST STRENGTH BY DIOCESES New York-Brooklyn, E7,500 (Manhattan 10,000; Bronx, 6,500; Kings, 8,500; Queens, 2,500) Philadelphia 7,000 Chicago 6,000 Cleveland 5,800 (also Akron) Detroit 3,500 Los Angeles 3,000 San Francisco 3,000 Fort Wayne 2,000 (mainly Gary) Milwaukee 2,000 Newark . 2,000 Seattle 2,000 Bait imore-Washington 1,500 Boston - 1,500 Pittsburg 1,500 Buffalo 1,000 Camden 1,000 Hartford 1,000 (mainly Bridgeport) Indianapolis 1,000 Omaha • 1,000 St. Louis 1,000 St. Paul 1,000 (mainly in Minneapolis) According to Peter Cacchione, about 50$ of Communist organizations and 85$ of Communist leadership are concentrated in New York City, The aim of the Party, however, is to achieve a 60$ concentration in the Middle West, where the basic industries are situated. Most reliable figures available indicate that as high as 64$ of Communist membership is Jewish; 14$ Negro; and 22$ from other groups. Membership figures cited above are probably lower than those commonly cited by other sources. They represent paid-up membership, active in the Party. They might be increased by the 12,000 in the Armed Forces, by families,