Sherry H. Olson. Baltimore: The Building of an American City. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980)

The chapters from Dr. Olson's book are accessed here without charge under the personal and fair use provisions of the copyright laws of the United States. Dr. Olson and/or Johns Hopkins University Press hold the copyright to these chapters. They cannot be copied or reproduced for any purposes other than for personal use and are accessible only on an individual basis by a time-dated password issued to my students. If you have reached this point, you have been issued such a password, the issuance of which encompasses any charges that might be levied in conjunction with a single-user licence granted in compliance with any copyright law provisions.

The following chapters are uncorrected text derived from an OCR scan of the original pages, and should be treated as such.

Chapter 7: "A Rent in the Social Fabric, 1866-1877"

Chapter 8: "Consolidation, 1878-1899"

Chapter 9: "The Art of Urban Landscape, 1900-1918"

©Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse
State Archivist

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