Articles and Pamphlets

"The Historian and Local Records: The Need for a Fresh Approach to an Old Problem." American Historical Association Newsletter, May 1971.

"Planter Behavior and Economic Opportunity in a Staple Economy." Agricultural History, April 1972.

"The Public Records of the American Revolutionary Era: Some Suggestions for the Development of Bibliographic Guides." Historical Methods Newsletter, September 1971.

"Finding Aids and the Historian." American Historical Association Newsletter, May 1972.

"General Smallwood's Recruits: The Peacetime Career of the Revolutionary War Private." William and Mary Quarterly, January 1973. (with Dr. Gregory A. Stiverson)

"Preserving the Nation's Heritage through a National Historic Records Program." American Historical Association Newsletter, February 1973. Abstracted in the Italian Archival Journal, Ressegna Degli Di Stato, Anno XXXIII-n. 1, gannaio-aprile 1973, p. 222-223.

"Economic Analysis and Loyalist Strategy During the American Revolution: Robert Alexander's Remarks on the Economy of the Peninsula or Eastern Shore of Maryland." Maryland Historical Magazine, Summer 1973.

"The Retreat from Standardization: A comment on the Recent History of Finding Aids." The American Archivist, October, 1973.

"A Modicum of Commitment: The Present and Future Importance of the Historical Records Survey." The American Archivist, April 1974.

Directory of Maryland Legislators, 1635-1789, with Jane W. McWilliams and Carol Tilles. (Annapolis: Maryland Bicentennial Commission, July 1974).

Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Papers of Thomas Sim Lee...., sponsored by the Publications Committee of the Maryland Historical Society, and published by the Maryland Hall of Records as an introduction to the microfilm, 1974.

"Patriotism and Perfidy: The Interconnected Careers of William Paca and Benedict Arnold." Maryland Magazine, June 1975. With Alan F. Day.

"Charles Carroll of Carrollton: English Aristocrat in an American Setting" in "any where so long as there be freedom" Charles Carroll of Carrollton, His Family and His Maryland. (Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1975).

"Charles Carroll of Carrollton and the Constitution." Maryland Magazine, Summer 1976.

"The Sources and Methods for the Study of a Revolutionary Elite: The Experience of the Maryland Hall of Records Legislative History Project," a paper presented at the Scottish Universities' American Bicentennial Conference, June 25-28, 1976, and abstracted in Scotland, Europe and the American Revolution edited by Owen Dudley Edwards and George Shepperson, 1976, pp. 127-128.

"An Undelivered Defense of a Winning Cause: Charles Carroll of Carrollton's `Remarks on the Proposed Federal Constitution.'" Maryland Historical Magazine, Summer 1976.

"Travel in Revolutionary Maryland" in the 1976 Texaco Travel Atlas, published by Rand McNally.

"Tobacco the Villain? A Comment on the Agricultural History of Maryland in the Decades Following the American Revolution." in Heritage of Agriculture in Maryland, 1776-1976. (Beltsville: National Agricultural Library, 1976).

"Who Should Rule at Home: The Political Elite of Maryland in 1776." With Robert Forster. Paper presented at an International Conference in Warsaw, Poland in 1975 and published in the May-June 1982 issue of Annales, Economies, Societes, Civilisations as "Les Grands Planteurs du Maryland au xviiie siecle: une elite politique et economique," 552-573.

"The Preservation and Uses of State and Local Records," American Archivist, July 1977.

"An Uncertain Connection: Maryland's Trade with France during the American Revolution," paper given at "Colloque International sur la Revolution Americaine et l"Europe" at the Colloque International Patronne Par Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, University of Paris, Centre de recherches d'Histoire Nord Americaine, February 1978. Published in the Proceedings of the colloquium, La Revolution Americaine et L'Europe (Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1979), 243-265.

"Gerer un Patrimoine dans les deux mondes: Les Carroll d'Annapolis (Maryland) and les Depont de La Rochelle (1750-1830)." With Robert Forster. Paper presented in abstentia at le Colloque napoleonien, October 12-14, 1978, of the l'Istituto Storico Italiano per l' eta moderna e contemporanea, and published in the Annuario Dell'Istituto Storico Italiano per L'Eta Moderna E Contemporanea, Volumi XXXIII-XXXIV 1981-1982. (Roma: Istituto Storico Italiano Per L'Eta Moderna E Contemporanea, 1983), 9-23.

"The Legislative Response to a Costly War: Fiscal Policy and Factional Politics in Maryland, 1777-1789." Published in Sovereign States, (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1982) as part of the proceedings of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society Conference "Sovereign States in an Age of Uncertainty" held March 28 and 29, 1979.

Introductions to The Charter of Maryland and A Declaration of the Lord Baltimore's Plantation in Mary-land, pamphlets in the Maryland Hall of Records 350th Anniversary Document Series, 1982, 1983.

Introduction and general editor for On The Map: Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay, a catalogue of an exhibit of maps held at Washington College, February 21-March 6, 1982.

Series of eight articles on Maryland and the Constitution, Opinion/Commentary, Baltimore SUN, March 3, 1987-April 21, 1987.

"Where is Watkins Point?" in Virginia Geiger, ed. Maryland Our Maryland. (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1987) 90-110.

"An Afterword: 'With What Dose of Liberty?' Maryland's Role in the Movement for a Bill of Rights," Maryland Historical Magazine, Spring, 1988, 58-68.

"Magna Carta," Baltimore SUN, September 2, 1987. Maryland and the U.S. Constitution, Five Delegates to Philadelphia. (Annapolis: Maryland State Archives, 1987).

"George Washington: Annapolis Lobbyist Extraordinaire," Baltimore SUN, February 20, 1989.

"The 'Amending Fathers" and the Constitution: Changing Perceptions of Home Rule and Who Should rule at Home," in The South's Role in the Creation of the Bill of Rights, edited by Robert J. Haws (Jackson and London: University of Mississippi Press, 1991), 51-75.

"Writing It All Down," Baltimore SUN, December 14, 1991, reprinted in the Maryland Humanities Bulletin, Winter, 1992.

"Maryland and the Constitution," in A. E. Dick Howard The Constitution in the Making: Perspectives of the Original Thirteen States (Richmond: , 1993) - . With Chief Judge Robert C. Murphy.

"Colonial Encounters in the Chesapeake: The Natural World of Native Americans, Europeans and Africans, 1585-1800," a pamphlet accompanying the traveling exhibit of the same name presented by the Milton S. Eisenhower Library of the Johns Hopkins University, with support from the Maryland State Archives, October 1993.

""Doing Good to Posterity" The move of the Capital of Maryland from St. Mary's City to Ann Arundell Towne, Now Called Annapolis." (Annapolis: The Maryland State Archives and the Maryland Historical Trust, 1995).

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