The Reality of the City: The Origins and Progress of Baltimore Maryland from 1607 to the Present.

History 100.357

Mondays, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
309 Krieger (lab)


The objective of this course is to examine how a major American City came to be situated on the banks of the Patapsco (Boles) River and to assess what were the most important factors related to its pattern of growth since its founding.


Students are required to read and analyze two books, excerpts from articles, and sample document packets.


Because these materials are out of print and/or are protected by copyright, they are supplied for personal use only on the WEB at the Maryland State Archives. In order to access these files you will need a user name and password which will be given out in class.

This course is intended to be an introduction to the resources and tools for writing and presenting history on the World Wide Web. Students are expected to make effective use of basic web-editing tools and and produce their written work in hyperlinked web pages off of the class homepage. Discussion notes and work in progress should be submitted to the instructor via EMAIL and it is assumed that all students have EMAIL accounts. All discussion notes assignments are to be submitted to the instructor by 10 a.m. on the day of class. Draft outlines of the proposed web-based research paper should be to the instructor by 10 a.m. Friday, March 14. Up to 10 points will be deducted from final grades for late assignments. The policy is three lates and you are out the full 10 points. All assignments should be submitted in HTML or RTF format (an export function of Word and WordPerfect).

The syllabus and most reading materials will be available on the WEB. The latter will be accessible by password and are intended for the personal reference use of registered students. Copying or further distribution in any form of this material is at the risk of the student and constitutes violation of copyright.



Each of the discussion outlines will be worth up to 4 points each and are due in my EMAIl mailbox by 10 a.m. the day discussion of the book, pamphlet or document packet commences.

The final paper will be worth up to 68 points of which up to ten points will be based upon the oral presentation at the final. Points will be deducted for late assignments as explained in the introduction.

A=90-100 points; B=80-89 points; C=70-79 points; D=60-69 points; F= anything less than 60 points.

NOTE: The direct quoting of someone else's work (anything more than a phrase or two) without using quotation marks and citing the specific source of the quote (author, title, edition, and page) will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic 'F' on the assignment. Adopting an author's point of view is not considered plagiarism as long as the source is identified by some form of annotation of your text (i.e. footnotes, Turabian short form; note on sources at the end of your essay or review, or some other format approved in advance by the instructor).

©Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse (instructor)
State Archivist

Office Hours:
  Mondays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. and by appointment in 304 Gilman Hall
Phone: (w) 410-974-3869; (h) 410-467-6137

Last update: 28 January 1997